A Reader's Rant: Age Gaps

“When life tries to test you, stay busy.”

Before you start reading or listening to the audio, here is conversation between a friend and myself. My messages are in blue.

The more I'm staying focused on myself, the more I stand firm on the notion that I DO NOT have to accept anything that upsets me or isn't keeping me in good spirits. And also I shouldn't have to keep telling people what I don’t have the patience for. I have enough people in my life who’ve known me for a long time and who take me into consideration and pay attention to what I do and say, so I don’t really need to make any new friends who aren't of the same hallmarks.

I also think it's very sassy and childish to block someone, because I have the discipline not to respond or answer, so I don't do things like that, but I am going to distance myself from this person. I gave as much grace as this person deserved, but I do not need to give anymore, nor do I feel obligated to do so. Like I said, this person has not been in my life a long time, and does not have a big impact on my life, and is not adding any substantial happiness, so it's really a simple decision, wouldn’t you agree?

I want value added and that’s all that matters at this point.

This site has really become more than I expected. In 2008, I never thought this my words would gain so much interest and momentum across the world. I am so grateful to all of you. It does take me some time to read through all of your messages, but I do read them. There is a reader in particular who asked if I can share her “rant” about men who prey on younger girls (I think she means legal age, and is more referring to inappropriate age gaps). When I first read the message, I thought it was one of my friends who is very adamant about this topic, like so adamant that she has the worst opinions on men who are like this, but I checked and it was not from my friend. I am not going to record me reading the rant, I’ll just leave it for you to read and interpret in your own way. I have become more on the fence with this topic ONLY because there are younger men who are interested in me, BUT I have a limit to how far they can take their interest and I don’t give them any false hope with me.

I feel like if we are going to be hard on men who fool around with younger women, then we should be just as hard on women who do the same with younger men. Although, I think the main difference between the two is that older women go into it anticipating on the situation to be temporary and just for fun, while older men go into those situation anticipating an ongoing relationship. Don’t hold me to this because I really don’t know and I don’t really have substantial experience in this area. I know when I was younger I did get involved with a man who was much older and in hindsight, I think for me it was this great big deal that I was seeing an older guy and he was so gorgeous, all the girls wanted him, but for him I was just a pretty face and someone to kick it with when he was available because he wasn’t thinking anything long-term with me. I was young and dumb and got my hopes up with someone I shouldn’t have. But, hey I guess that was just an experience I had to go through to teach me something. Such is life. And I think for the younger men and women, it’s more for image, status, and possibly stability to be with someone older. When I hear some of the young girls talk, they seem to always mention what an older man has or what he can do. They say things like, He has money. He has a good job. He drives a nice car. He has his own house. Or they’ll try to feel him out and ask him what he does for a living and all those things garners their interest towards him. I’m not saying this is always the case, but you have to think, what is the young person gaining from this situation?

Anyway, go ahead and read through what the woman set me and you are welcome to send in your thoughts about this. I will say that I do agree with a lot of what she was saying, but take a few moments to read it and we’ll recap at the bottom.

Hey Raya! Love your posts! Can you share this in a future post? I understand if you don’t but I want to share my thoughts on these old ass men who are out here f*cking around with these young girls. They need to be ashamed! Got these little girls thinking they going to be their girlfriends and wives knowing damn well these men will get laughed at and looked at crazy if they bring her around they friends and family. What do these men be thinking?!!! You don't have anything in common with these little girls except sex! You gonna tell me a 28 year girl thinks the same way as a 48 year old man???? NO! And if she does, then it’s something wrong with the man. Is you serious my n1gah? Got these girls gassing you because you can’t be the man a grown woman wants. Yall want to train these little girls. And then you end up being the old man at the club with a bunch of 20 year olds talking about what they talk about and doing what they doing and paying for everything. It’s disgusting and you letting them think they got you because you out here trying to defend your predatory habits. You n1gahs like them girls gone wild type shit that be shaking they @sses on every other n1gah, smoking and letting random n!gahs prour drinks down their throats and you think that type of girl is the one for you. These little girls got daddy issues and want to be seen and your dumb@sses don’t see through it. Yall are despicable! Stop going to their playgrounds and start being grown!

👀 Whew! That was a lot, right? So I did not change any of the language in the message, I did adjust some of the spelling of the offensive words because I don’t want to get flagged 😂. So what do you think about this?

When Momma gets out, she gets OUT! 😏

Fellas, I’m going to try to defend you on to some limit. Say you are just hanging out and a young lady starts to converse with you and you two are just enjoying your time out, I don’t think there is anything wrong with that. I think if you make it a habit, then it may be a little questionable. Like now that same girl is coming around you more or you’re inviting her out or developing a rapport with her that leads her to believe she has an in with you. That’s when things may look a little fcked up from people who know you better and think more of you. Like for instance, if I were to start dating a younger man and bringing him around and telling people we are in a serious relationship, my friends would look at me crazy and pull me to the side and let me know in one way or another that’s not a good look for me (well, some of my friends would say this right in front of him) 😏. Even if I don’t say that I’m in a serious relationship with a young man, but I am bringing him around more, my friends are cool with me having fun, but being serious about someone who isn’t on my level is a red flag to them. And that’s because they know me and they don’t want me being stupid.

Thank you to the reader who shared her thoughts, I hope the rest of you do not take this post as a negative because I want you to weed through the undertones and find the positive message. But if you could not find anything positive, let me lead you…

Who doesn’t like a good bathroom selfie???

So here is my overall thought on this. If you are at a certain age and every now and then want to have fun like you did when you were younger, do it, but don’t blur the lines between the younger crowd and the crowd that is more your caliber, people who speak your same language, who have hit the same milestones you have, and who can better understand your ways or your personality because they have maneuvered through the same life’s hurdles and responsibilities. There’s times I have fun with the younger people but that’s as far as I take it, just a good time.

My mentees are in their 20’s and the stuff they talk to me about I can speak on because I’ve been there and done that. And even though my mentees are working on their degrees, have degrees, and are career focused, they still like to go out and party, sometimes I go with them, but most times I just do things that more equate to my lifestyle.

So ladies and gentleman whom are 35 years old and up, do what makes you happy, but be cognizant with the people or the crowds you keep in contact with, more importantly the younger crowds. Make sure those people are not minimizing your way of thinking or causing you to retract back to thinking like a 20 year old again or adopting their ways. You are beyond that 💖. And I’m sure you have countless stories to share. I know I do! Continue to embrace the knowledge you hold, it took time to gain all that. Your wisdom is a part of your greatness 💞. It’s your power don’t let some 20 year old take that from you because they are still developing their knowledge and power. ✨

Be careful out there.


“How long should a woman keep being selfish with her Hello Kitty?…And when does the “cougar age” begin?…Asking for a friend.” 😂

The last few months I have gotten so many messages from women telling me about their personal experiences with dating younger men. Some good and some not so good, but with all of the stories I read, ALL OF YOU NEED JESUS!

Thank you to all my willing and non-willing participants. - Love, Raya 😘

If anyone is new here, let me give you some background on why women are sharing their experiences. Last year, I met a young man whom is over 10 years younger than me. Nothing has developed other than a friendship because I let him know I cannot offer him anything more than just that. Every now and then, he tries to convince me otherwise, but I still stand my ground. He does have all the accolades of a man my age and older and I do love how he talks to me (he makes me blush sometimes with the things he says), the way he dresses could be a little better, but he’s 25 and he’s in that generation of questionable style, but he does have a beautiful smile, and very muscular…he’s a gorgeous young man, but I still will not let him have me. I even asked one of my guy friends what I should do with him and he told me that I don’t owe him anything and I have the upper hand so I can do whatever I want with him and not feel guilty about it. I think the guilty part is what keeps me from letting this young man pull my panties to the side. He’s from Chicago, so that’s what I will refer to him as.

But the stories that YOU LADIES shared with me…I feel like I need to take my brain out and wash it several times over because you are too much! But in each story, the ladies made it clear that the experience was purely for their pleasure and entertainment. Some of the women spoiled their young men, flew them out on trips, took them shopping, had them run errands, or do chores around the house….and I am just fascinated! I am capable of doing things like that for a man and I do not have issues spoiling a man, but it’s the thought of doing such things and when he cannot do the same for me is another thing I am stuck on. But Chicago is cable of treating me because he already has a professional career with a 401k and substantial savings…I still can’t give into him though.

One of you ladies suggested that I just try him out to see if this is something I can be comfortable doing. I’m like “try him out?” — He’s not a pair of shoes, he’s a person. He has feelings. I can’t just put him back on the shelf if it’s not a good fit. My guy friends tell me that if I do decide to do anything with him and I do not like the whole experience or vibe then I can just cut him off without explanation. Hey, I’ve mentioned plenty of times that my guy friends are a little unfiltered. And you know what I realized a few times when hanging out with them, I don’t think most of them know how old I am. I think they may presume I am close to their age because I connect with them very well and effortlessly, but realistically, most of the male friends I communicate with often average 8-14 years older than me. Some of them have asked me my age, but I never gave a straight answer.


Dear Future Lover,

Treat me good and you will have it ALL.

As far as this whole idea of being involved with someone much younger, there is no convincing me that this is a good idea. Another woman shared that she was fooling around with a young one in college and even attended his graduation and went to his graduation party WHERE HIS FAMILY WAS AT!!! 😮 Yeahhh, I don’t want to meet any family, especially parents. Another woman shared that she went to her young lover’s baby shower, BABY SHOWER that was held at the expecting girl’s parents house! Of course I had so many questions for this devious woman! But what almost knocked my out of my chair was when she said that they had sex in the baby-momma-to-be bed while everyone was outside! I have no words. But you know what, I do like for a man I’m involved with to suggest risky things like that. 💦

From what I gathered from all of the ladies stories is that younger men want to please you because it boosts their ego and confidence to have an older woman so they are going to make more of an effort to give you what makes you happy, but they are still going to try to assert dominance because they don’t want to be treated like a child, so they may challenge you a bit…which I do not mind at all, I like for a man to put bass in his voice and check me sometimes 😼. They want you to know that they ARE grown men even though they are younger. Although, all of you ladies said in one form or another that the young ones still have their childish ways, but the good thing about being older is that you already have your life structured to how you want it, so you can close the door anytime if the young man isn’t entertaining anymore. — I’m like, Woooow, you women are COLD! 👀

I am still not convince that this is a route for me. Maybe in another 10 years, but I just cannot see myself in those kinds of situations. Chicago is just going to have to eventually move on or deal with me not giving in. 😌

Love Challenge

“I like to engage with people of my caliber. I limit my attention to everyone else.”

So this topic came about after one of you readers suggested I start doing a few things differently to have a fulfilled love life…I love how your guys look out for me. Before I get in to that, to be clear, having a romantic relationship is not one of my top goals and you all know I’m stubborn, right? The last man I was involved with was in 2021. Remember in a previous post I mentioned I had a little back and forth with someone about the timeline of when I was last with a person? I did my research and confirmed my timeline. So the other person is confused and is probably telling the wrong information to make other people feel better…My thought is if you’re going to tell a part of my business, tell it right, don’t just say things to make yourself look better. Because when someone else doesn’t remember the same way, they may have been doing some bs on their end. Just my opinion.

The Effort Series

Coordination is a skill.

Look I want to enjoy my life and if I have to cry or be upset, I rather shed tears for other people who are going through troubles; I’m not shedding tears for myself anymore. And you can still value the history you have with someone, that's beautiful, but if there was any hurt or pain, you have to let that go and be grateful of where you are right now✅️. And with the guy there some things that happened which hurt me, he may have a different perspective and that's okay because today, we’re fine. He was the last significant relationship type of thing I had, but it’s not awkward when I see him.

Anyway, let’s move on. I will take some of these mentioned suggestions into consideration. And I also want to mention that I am starting to come out of my shell just a tad…I mean, I did go on a date a few weeks ago. That’s a start. I think with where I am at in life I can only sparsely dedicate my attention to building a relationship with someone new. I really don’t want to go through getting to know someone with the intention of something happening, I rather hangout with someone when my time permits and make the most of that time and if an intimate relationship develops, that’s okay, BUT I still want us to keep our initial friendly foundation like hanging out casually, talking about different life topics, and enjoying each other outside of sex. I need someone who is of my caliber and can fully understand that I have my life already setup to my preference and I am willing to bend my own rules on some things, but I cannot make compromises that take away from my stability. - A homie, lover, friend, that’s what I would like. (I think I talked about this in previous topics.)

Here are the suggestions made to me:

  1. Meet someone new each month: This won’t be hard because I meet people all the time when I am out because I am very welcoming and open to conversations with people around me although, I usually keep it at that and do not engage into anything further. I could be more open to connecting better with new people.

  2. Go on at least 2 dates a month: Well, I already did one in January, I guess I could be open to this.

  3. Reconnect with someone you already know: I have no comments for this one.

  4. Be more affectionate: I actually had this realization late last year that I am not very physically affectionate although, I am verbally affectionate, so I can improve on this.

  5. Agree to spontaneous trips with someone: Ummmm…this one I am a little hesitant on. Unless I already know the man very well or I’ve already been intimate with him, I am not so sure about just disappearing with a random person for a few days.

  6. Be more flirtatious: I think I am charismatic, but I am fuzzy on what flirting is. Do I just smile and give a man compliments? Or do I say suggestive things? Like if he asks me what I’m doing later do I say Him? Do I give him sultry looks? What defines as flirting that’s not too forward?

  7. Make special time to be with someone special: Well, I can do this. Once I have someone special, I can definitely devote some undivided time to him.

  8. Send good morning and goodnight messages: Again, once I have my homie, lover, friend, I am open to doing this.

Thank you dear reader who send me this list. I’m willing to be open to these things and see what happens.

Questions? Comments?

NEW - Don’t feel like reading? Listen to the audio instead. 🔊

A lot of you send me questions and comments. Remember, you can use the “Contact Me” option to anonymously send an inquiry. There's a few topics that keep coming up so let's address them.

Who takes your pictures? - I do. I have experience in photography and I offer services when my schedule allows it, so I have a lot of equipment that I use to take my own photos. Aside from that, I’m a fashion person and always trying to fine tune my personal style. I hate to admit this, but I am not financially responsible when it comes to shopping. I have about 4 closets that are jam packed with clothes and about 25% still has tags on it. Yes, I have a problem.

Why do think older men date younger girls? - This comes more and more I’ve noticed. I don’t think this is a new issue or if it is even an issue at all. Women are always quick to make jabs at men who are with younger women; making jokes about her age comparing what she knows and what she’s able to do since she doesn’t have the same life experience. I wrote about this topic a while back in, “She’s Too Young For You, Bro” but, I wouldn't get hung up on this too much. A good majority of men do this. I’ve seen it in ALL of my guy friends, none of them were unique in this category. Men in their 40s and 50s dating girls in their 20s. 😳

It’s always happened, no matter what decade we look into. I don’t really know the reason why. Maybe men like what the younger women are offering or how they are displaying themselves? From what I’ve seen, many of the younger crowd are very “ambitious” and “eager” for a certain type of attention. Social media has spawned an illustrious fantasy of partying and being wild and it’s an appealing attribute for much of the younger crowds and maybe the older men find that appealing too.

Remember when I mentioned there was a young man who took interest to me? He was very sweet, but I realized very quickly there wasn't much we could talk about. He was at a different place in life than I am. But I did give him some credit and was very impressed that he was much further in life than others his age. He had his own fancy apartment, no roommates, already a few years into his career and extremely focused on aligning his skills to achieving more goals. He wasn't in an entry level job or working at as a cashier at a restaurant or store where he was waiting on something better to come along. Not that there's anything wrong with working at those positions, but he knew early on what he wanted to do and he started doing it. Yeah, that was impressive.

Back to the older men, I’m sure they have their reason, as questionable as it may look, but you don’t have to be involved with a man like that. If you notice a man always with a younger woman in his face, he probably doesn’t possess the qualities you want anyway. Although, I did mention all my guy friends have entertained younger girls, sometimes it was just for the moment in a club or lounge setting, but others did try to make something serious of it. Hey, if they're comfortable meeting her parents, much power to them.

And, I’m not romantically involved with any of them, so I don't bother them about it. But here's some perspective, when I was in my 20s, I was interested in older men. Many times we think older men are more mature, stable, emotionally conscious, and make better partners, but many of us realized THAT WASN’T ACCURATE. 😐 Men can be disappointing at any age.

Why did you disable the comments? - For anyone who doesn't recall, earlier this year and part of last year, the comments section was getting out of control and I did not have the bandwidth to manage it every hour. The comments were offensive to others and some of them were offensive to me, so it was just best to disable them and keep the, disabled. In the Member Only Reads, comments are allowed.

What are you studying now? - Some of you know I recently got accepted into a Doctoral Degree Program. My concentration is on Educational Leadership and Organizational Innovation. The program focuses on applications in real word settings and developing ways to administer change for improvements. The best thing about the program I chose is that my studies include the dissertation as oppose to other programs that have you study for 3-4 years and then work on your dissertation.

Why are you always talking about privacy even though you have a public website? - Privacy is very important to me and I still have to be very mindful of what I share and how much I share with the public. Even when I post things to my social media accounts, there’s always a wall of ambiguity.

Even with my friends and family, I do not share everything with them. If you notice with your own experiences, when you share something, people begin to expect you to continue sharing with them or updating them with more details about yourself. There’s things I do not mind sharing, such as the fact that I am in Grad school, but I’m not going to share details of my coursework, who my classmates are, or the names of my professors. I share surface level information…I hope that makes sense.

With my personal life I am protective of it. I may share my experiences, but I won’t share identifying details of who, what, when and where. For instance, if I get into a relationship, you are most likely never going to see a picture of him, unless it’s a wedding photo. And with my friends and family, they may never even know his name if it’s not serious and I’m very tight lipped on what intricate details I share with them about my relationships. When I was with my ex he would share EVERYTHING that happened in our relationship with people, but me on the other hand, I wanted to keep our matters within our home and with any issues, I wanted us to talk about it to each other, not to the world. And I continue to have this mindset. — For years, my friends knew I was vaguely involved with someone who I referred to as “Alabama”. And anytime they would ask about him, they would use the same moniker I gave him, “How's Alabama?”, “When’s the last time you saw Alabama?” — I would directly answer their questions and move onto the next topic. I wouldn't linger or go into any further details. I wasn't keeping anything secret, I feel like secrecy is lying with a twist. I was open about the fact I was sleeping with someone, I just decided to keep everything else between us. I don't have problem with people knowing certain things about me, but I want to live my personal life according to me, not everyone else.

Gentle Reader

I’ve been tied up with personal and professional obligations that I am not publishing content as much as I like so when you guys give me topic ideas or submit your own writing, I am appreciative and obliged to share.

I received this poem in my private messages that you can send in the Contact Me link. There was no explanation to who it was about or who it is for, only a request to share it and open up the comments for feedback. Considering the site has over 4 million views, it is a useful platform for others aside from myself. I toiled over the comments requests for a while because those of you who have been reading the last few months have been aware of how the comments sections has gotten out of control. So, I am allowing comments to be made…with extreme hesitation.

Please be courteous of what you say and mindful of what others are saying and only comment on the content of this post. *Comments will be subject to approval so when someone makes a comment it will be pending until it is approved for publishing, so you may not see your comment posted right away.

The message was titled as “Gentle Reader”:

I look at her
Crossing the street
Like in a New York movie scene
She's dressed like she left a fashion meeting
She's on her phone
Maybe with her boyfriend
Or a bestfriend
The way she smiles is soft
And makes the day brighter
She walks passed me
I failed to make eye contact with her
She's still on her phone
I can't approach her
Even to say hi
I just admire her from where I stand
Maybe if I see her again
I'll get the courage to give her a compliment
She must get them all the time
How could I stand out
Make an impression with her
Have her remember me
Like I remember her

- Unknown Reader

This is a moving piece of art and all of you will interpreted in your own way. To me this seems like a man (I’m assuming) who is admiring a woman from a distance. You know how someone catches your eyes and you kind of gaze and linger on them for a period of time? I think this is was it is. It seems like he wants to speak to her and there is a sense that he either has seen her before or already knows her in some type of way, but for whatever reason he is not approaching her. It reminds me of what I wrote recently about people caring about you from afar until they are ready to be in your presence again. I like this piece, it’s sweet.