A Woman’s Insecurity

We're always so quick to categorize a woman as moving too fast, being too clingy, being paranoid or crazy when she falls for a man and starts to assume he is up to no good when he becomes distant or shows signs of concern. However a man and woman are involved whether serious, casual, courting or otherwise, it is a form of relationship between the two. So let's take a look at another perspective before writing off a woman as being ‘extra’.

When a woman likes a man or even loves him, she thinks the most of him. She wants to spend any available time with him, talk to him, be with him, etc. Her emotions have linked to him. She thinks the world of him and has passion for him. So why do men confuse this with being “too much”?


When you were a kid and had a favorite toy, did you not get upset when someone else wanted to play with it? And when your parents told you to share, did you really want to? No. Because you didn’t want someone else to ruin or break your precious toy, something that you loved and valued. You didn’t want that taken away from you — that feeling of happiness, safety, and relaxation of something you were fond of. We have those same feelings for people.

So when a woman feels something for a man, her thoughts may resemble... "If I think he's great then someone else will also think he's great." and then they think, “What if he rather be with that someone else? What if he rather explore possibilities with her?

Us women get on high alert anytime we feel something is off or has changed about a man. It can be the slightest gesture, the way you speak to us, the way you touch us, the things you say, how you say them — We notice. And so many thoughts run through our minds because again, are you pulling away because your thoughts are with someone else?

  • I haven’t heard from him in a few days, is he talking to someone else?

  • He hasn't asked to see me, is he not interested in me anymore?

  • He's been very short with me lately, does he no longer care?

  • We just had an argument, is he going to find comfort with another woman?


Yes, many times we think the reason for any slight changes is because a man has started getting close with someone other than us. But men should take some accountability in this too. When a man feels that he shouldn't have to address anything a woman may be feeling, it feeds into the problem instead of making it better. Why would you let a woman you care about think that you don't care? What sense does that make?

Women like to feel special, like no other woman can be her and no other woman can take her place in a man's heart. Does it mean he can't look at another woman or interact with other women? No. It just means he doesn’t let another woman feel like she can replace the one who's already there.
