Is He In A Relationship?

Below is a clip from MTV’s Girl Code discussing men who are in relationship already.

I know everyone has their own views of dating, but I am firm on if a man is involved with someone, he is NOT available to you. This could mean that he is sleeping with someone else, but “it’s not serious” or he just started to get to know someone, or anything that includes him calling/texting/spending time with a woman on a regular basis. — He’s involved (my opinion). Men will disagree.

I once found out a man I was starting to get involved with was LIVING WITH SOMEONE! YES, a whole woman he was sharing not only a home with, but also a bed with! We were only a few weeks into getting to know each other, so nothing too serious had yet occurred outside of dates, holding hands, and goodnight kisses. How I found out was I felt that something didn’t add up (women’s intuition). I noticed certain ques in the things we talked about and how he would be inconsistent with some topics, so I started to ask the hard and direct questions. I stopped all communication with him the instant I found out. I am not going to be the reason why another woman questions her man/boyfriend/husband/lover/etc.

And I do think it’s true that married men have more confidence because they already have an established home to go to, so it doesn’t affect them any bit if a woman turns them down (that’s only if he is still maintaining his home and taking care if his familial/marital responsibilities). I have a wonderful friend, love him dearly, who is like this and he makes it very clear he is not leaving his wife and he is not going to allow any woman damage his home. I can respect that. Now, as far as what the women decide to do, is on them.

But whether you consider it a “Girl Code”, karma, or just going against your personal values, it’s never a great idea to get involved with a man who is already involved. When he seems to be secretive or distant, don’t avoid reg flags, pay attention to things he says vs. what he does, how available he is outside of work, the reasons he gives you, and as always….follow your intuition. But, if you are one of those women who just likes to have fun and doesn’t look too much into dealing with an involved man other than not having permanent ties, I’ll never understand it, but hey, if it works for you and not causing you or the man any stress, then who am I to speak on it?

*There was something funny I heard someone say: “The next guy has only 1 time to fuck up. After that I’m going back to my last dude.” 🤣 — Is this what it has come too? Lol, I may as well just stay inside. 😂