Gentle Reader

I’ve been tied up with personal and professional obligations that I am not publishing content as much as I like so when you guys give me topic ideas or submit your own writing, I am appreciative and obliged to share.

I received this poem in my private messages that you can send in the Contact Me link. There was no explanation to who it was about or who it is for, only a request to share it and open up the comments for feedback. Considering the site has over 4 million views, it is a useful platform for others aside from myself. I toiled over the comments requests for a while because those of you who have been reading the last few months have been aware of how the comments sections has gotten out of control. So, I am allowing comments to be made…with extreme hesitation.

Please be courteous of what you say and mindful of what others are saying and only comment on the content of this post. *Comments will be subject to approval so when someone makes a comment it will be pending until it is approved for publishing, so you may not see your comment posted right away.

The message was titled as “Gentle Reader”:

I look at her
Crossing the street
Like in a New York movie scene
She's dressed like she left a fashion meeting
She's on her phone
Maybe with her boyfriend
Or a bestfriend
The way she smiles is soft
And makes the day brighter
She walks passed me
I failed to make eye contact with her
She's still on her phone
I can't approach her
Even to say hi
I just admire her from where I stand
Maybe if I see her again
I'll get the courage to give her a compliment
She must get them all the time
How could I stand out
Make an impression with her
Have her remember me
Like I remember her

- Unknown Reader

This is a moving piece of art and all of you will interpreted in your own way. To me this seems like a man (I’m assuming) who is admiring a woman from a distance. You know how someone catches your eyes and you kind of gaze and linger on them for a period of time? I think this is was it is. It seems like he wants to speak to her and there is a sense that he either has seen her before or already knows her in some type of way, but for whatever reason he is not approaching her. It reminds me of what I wrote recently about people caring about you from afar until they are ready to be in your presence again. I like this piece, it’s sweet.



I believe loyalty is a characteristic trait that not everyone possesses, but I also believe it is a habit that can be learned. I’m loyal to a default, not sure if I should consider it a character flaw, bad/good habit or strength. For instance, for many years I was loyal to the father of my children, not only in the sense that I did not get involved with someone else while we were together but also, I didn't talk about our issues to anyone or speak badly about him to anyone. Now, when we were nearing the end of our union, I did reveal why I had enough but, I still did not speak down about him and even now, there many incidences where I don’t speak ill about my ex. Maybe I give more people credit than they deserve but, isn’t that just an act of kindness? Is this a character flaw? Or bad habits I need to break?

I think for some people, when you care deeply or share significant experiences and emotions with a person, you don't want to do or say anything that may hurt them…even if they've hurt you. — Maybe this is being naïve.

Different acts of loyalty can be mental or physical. I consider both to be just as important as the other. Remember how I discussed not giving everyone access to you in several previous posts? Well, part of that is being loyal to yourself and upholding the standards you've set and another part (if applicable) is being loyal to the people or a person you do give special access to.

Friends who have known me for 20+ plus years know they can entrust in me any secrets, express pain, or just vent and nothing they've said to me will be shared. It’s the same with friendships I’ve recently made. It gives me a sense of security and satisfaction knowing people can trust me with certain pieces of themselves or their lives. — Stay quiet when it is necessary and speak when it’s comfortable.


Sadly, there are those who take advantage of a person’s loyal nature because they feel that there's always a chance of forgiveness and redemption. Not always the case and I wouldn't rely too heavily on mishandling people who are always on your side. — There's a limit.

People who are loyal maybe care a little too much about many things for endless reasons. It is a certain barrier of protection you should have for yourself and those you like/love…that's loyalty.

For those whom are intimately involved with someone, loyalty can have different definitions. Loyal with your words, loyal with your actions. Everyone’s relationship or situationship is set up differently. I don’t believe in dating multiple people…whatever you consider the term “dating” to mean. And there are people who will argue that if you are not in an actual monogamous relationship, there is no reason to behave as if you are or be loyal to that person…here’s my opinion…Whether casual or consciously committed, if I allow you into my bed, that’s it, you are the only one I’m sharing that with and you are the only one who is allowed special/specific treatment from me. It will stay that way until we have a discussion of severing that tie. And lets not forget, there are still such things as STDs, not to mention the possibility of unexpected pregnancies…not me though, y’all be safe 😁 (So, play around with people’s lives if you want to.) I also do not believe in entering someone’s life knowingly being a disruption or not having and practicing good intentions. — If you are going to come into my life and then be regressive, you can exit the same way you entered…bitch be excited about me like you just met me, just kidding, maybe. 😊
