A Reader's Rant: Age Gaps

“When life tries to test you, stay busy.”

Before you start reading or listening to the audio, here is conversation between a friend and myself. My messages are in blue.

The more I'm staying focused on myself, the more I stand firm on the notion that I DO NOT have to accept anything that upsets me or isn't keeping me in good spirits. And also I shouldn't have to keep telling people what I don’t have the patience for. I have enough people in my life who’ve known me for a long time and who take me into consideration and pay attention to what I do and say, so I don’t really need to make any new friends who aren't of the same hallmarks.

I also think it's very sassy and childish to block someone, because I have the discipline not to respond or answer, so I don't do things like that, but I am going to distance myself from this person. I gave as much grace as this person deserved, but I do not need to give anymore, nor do I feel obligated to do so. Like I said, this person has not been in my life a long time, and does not have a big impact on my life, and is not adding any substantial happiness, so it's really a simple decision, wouldn’t you agree?

I want value added and that’s all that matters at this point.

This site has really become more than I expected. In 2008, I never thought this my words would gain so much interest and momentum across the world. I am so grateful to all of you. It does take me some time to read through all of your messages, but I do read them. There is a reader in particular who asked if I can share her “rant” about men who prey on younger girls (I think she means legal age, and is more referring to inappropriate age gaps). When I first read the message, I thought it was one of my friends who is very adamant about this topic, like so adamant that she has the worst opinions on men who are like this, but I checked and it was not from my friend. I am not going to record me reading the rant, I’ll just leave it for you to read and interpret in your own way. I have become more on the fence with this topic ONLY because there are younger men who are interested in me, BUT I have a limit to how far they can take their interest and I don’t give them any false hope with me.

I feel like if we are going to be hard on men who fool around with younger women, then we should be just as hard on women who do the same with younger men. Although, I think the main difference between the two is that older women go into it anticipating on the situation to be temporary and just for fun, while older men go into those situation anticipating an ongoing relationship. Don’t hold me to this because I really don’t know and I don’t really have substantial experience in this area. I know when I was younger I did get involved with a man who was much older and in hindsight, I think for me it was this great big deal that I was seeing an older guy and he was so gorgeous, all the girls wanted him, but for him I was just a pretty face and someone to kick it with when he was available because he wasn’t thinking anything long-term with me. I was young and dumb and got my hopes up with someone I shouldn’t have. But, hey I guess that was just an experience I had to go through to teach me something. Such is life. And I think for the younger men and women, it’s more for image, status, and possibly stability to be with someone older. When I hear some of the young girls talk, they seem to always mention what an older man has or what he can do. They say things like, He has money. He has a good job. He drives a nice car. He has his own house. Or they’ll try to feel him out and ask him what he does for a living and all those things garners their interest towards him. I’m not saying this is always the case, but you have to think, what is the young person gaining from this situation?

Anyway, go ahead and read through what the woman set me and you are welcome to send in your thoughts about this. I will say that I do agree with a lot of what she was saying, but take a few moments to read it and we’ll recap at the bottom.

Hey Raya! Love your posts! Can you share this in a future post? I understand if you don’t but I want to share my thoughts on these old ass men who are out here f*cking around with these young girls. They need to be ashamed! Got these little girls thinking they going to be their girlfriends and wives knowing damn well these men will get laughed at and looked at crazy if they bring her around they friends and family. What do these men be thinking?!!! You don't have anything in common with these little girls except sex! You gonna tell me a 28 year girl thinks the same way as a 48 year old man???? NO! And if she does, then it’s something wrong with the man. Is you serious my n1gah? Got these girls gassing you because you can’t be the man a grown woman wants. Yall want to train these little girls. And then you end up being the old man at the club with a bunch of 20 year olds talking about what they talk about and doing what they doing and paying for everything. It’s disgusting and you letting them think they got you because you out here trying to defend your predatory habits. You n1gahs like them girls gone wild type shit that be shaking they @sses on every other n1gah, smoking and letting random n!gahs prour drinks down their throats and you think that type of girl is the one for you. These little girls got daddy issues and want to be seen and your dumb@sses don’t see through it. Yall are despicable! Stop going to their playgrounds and start being grown!

👀 Whew! That was a lot, right? So I did not change any of the language in the message, I did adjust some of the spelling of the offensive words because I don’t want to get flagged 😂. So what do you think about this?

When Momma gets out, she gets OUT! 😏

Fellas, I’m going to try to defend you on to some limit. Say you are just hanging out and a young lady starts to converse with you and you two are just enjoying your time out, I don’t think there is anything wrong with that. I think if you make it a habit, then it may be a little questionable. Like now that same girl is coming around you more or you’re inviting her out or developing a rapport with her that leads her to believe she has an in with you. That’s when things may look a little fcked up from people who know you better and think more of you. Like for instance, if I were to start dating a younger man and bringing him around and telling people we are in a serious relationship, my friends would look at me crazy and pull me to the side and let me know in one way or another that’s not a good look for me (well, some of my friends would say this right in front of him) 😏. Even if I don’t say that I’m in a serious relationship with a young man, but I am bringing him around more, my friends are cool with me having fun, but being serious about someone who isn’t on my level is a red flag to them. And that’s because they know me and they don’t want me being stupid.

Thank you to the reader who shared her thoughts, I hope the rest of you do not take this post as a negative because I want you to weed through the undertones and find the positive message. But if you could not find anything positive, let me lead you…

Who doesn’t like a good bathroom selfie???

So here is my overall thought on this. If you are at a certain age and every now and then want to have fun like you did when you were younger, do it, but don’t blur the lines between the younger crowd and the crowd that is more your caliber, people who speak your same language, who have hit the same milestones you have, and who can better understand your ways or your personality because they have maneuvered through the same life’s hurdles and responsibilities. There’s times I have fun with the younger people but that’s as far as I take it, just a good time.

My mentees are in their 20’s and the stuff they talk to me about I can speak on because I’ve been there and done that. And even though my mentees are working on their degrees, have degrees, and are career focused, they still like to go out and party, sometimes I go with them, but most times I just do things that more equate to my lifestyle.

So ladies and gentleman whom are 35 years old and up, do what makes you happy, but be cognizant with the people or the crowds you keep in contact with, more importantly the younger crowds. Make sure those people are not minimizing your way of thinking or causing you to retract back to thinking like a 20 year old again or adopting their ways. You are beyond that 💖. And I’m sure you have countless stories to share. I know I do! Continue to embrace the knowledge you hold, it took time to gain all that. Your wisdom is a part of your greatness 💞. It’s your power don’t let some 20 year old take that from you because they are still developing their knowledge and power. ✨

Be careful out there.

Opposing Views

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Seems like many of you watched the Shuler King video and a few of you sent me others to watch. And while most of you agree, there are some of you who have different thoughts.

This really isn’t a debate and let me give you some other thoughts for perception.

There are some people in there 20s who have established a few life’s common goals such as a home, a career, and possibly a family (kids). Those in this category have slightly different views of life (hopefully). For instance, I was 26/27 when I started getting into my career, made a decision to relocate, end my log term relationship, and started to lay down the concrete for my life. In my early 20s I was still figuring through some decisions and possibilities. It wasn't until about 31/32 was when I started to build upon the concrete I laid in my late 20s. Through my life experiences I was able to make more sound decisions with certain opportunities.

It is very possible for someone in their 20s to have their lives already together and it is possible for a woman in her 30s or 40s to still be trying to get her life together. Although, there is a category of women who wants a man to take care of them so they do not make much efforts to be stable on their own, kind of like going from their parents’ insurance to their husbands insurance.

So if you take age out of this, then you are left with who the person is, what they come with, where they want to go and what they plan to leave behind in order to pick up other experiences or lessons. But the overall thought of a man dating someone in her 20s is the common knowledge that those in that age group still need or want to live freely in order to gain some of life’s antidotes otherwise like the comedian said, “It’s going to get a little weird.”

It all ends up being where you are at in life and how much responsibilities you want to take on from your partner. With someone who is a little more established, they’ll be able to get through many small hurdles on their own and mainly lean on you for comfort, whereas someone who may not be a little more established may call on you for everything.

The other day I went to a cigar lounge. I never been there before. I went by myself; I was just looking for a laid back place to relax. Before I even went inside I was greeted by an older gentleman who told me to go in, have a seat and he’ll come bring me a drink. The man also introduced me to his friends who were there and as more of his acquaintances came, he made introductions with them too. All of the men there were at least in their late 50s to mid 60s. I didn’t feel uncomfortable or less adequate to be around them because my caliber is of a woman who is not only confident, educated, and personable, but I also carry many adult experiences that helps shape how I can communicate with people much older than me. My bestfriend came to meet me there and she pulls me aside and said, “Why do you always have a bunch of men around you?” 😂. I told her I didn’t do this, I just walked in and it happened. Then a short time after that her husband came and he pulls me aside and says, “Pooh, don’t ever come to these places by yourself again.” 😂 — They were just being cautious for me because I was visiting and neither I or them knew these people, but they were being very friendly with me.

The point is, I am able to have dialogue with men at any age because I can relate to a lot of things such as family, children, travel, education, property, politics, social concerns, etc. and I can articulate my thoughts well enough for them to know I am a well rounded woman who is of a certain age and who has standards and boundaries. Again, I go back to the 20 somethings, it is possible for a 25 year old to be further in life than her peers, but it is no very common that she’s gained enough experiences to fall into other categories outside of her age group.

Shuler King Message

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One of my friends sent me this YouTube link. It features Shuler King (comedian) discussing his views on older men dating young women. His response was prompted by another man making the claim that he rather date younger women because they “go with the flow” and are “moldable”.

I figure I’d share this with you since it has been a recent topic here on the site. And to add a little more on my point of view on this: Men above….say 35 or even 40 who date women under 30 either do not like to be challenged or do not want to be challenged so they choose to go younger. The whole pill thing that’s mentioned in the video isn’t really anyone’s business but that man’s and his doctor’s suggestions. Some older men still have a good libido. — Hey, I’m trying to give you men some credit here because this video is criticizing you for some of your personal choices. But hey, in the words of Shuler King, “You like what you like.” (I can choose not to deal with you and I can choose how close I am to you.)

Also, if you surround yourself with young people or even surround yourself with like-minds, you’re going to attract those same like-minds. One of my good guy friends who is my age is always getting involved with 20-something women, although he himself has a 20-something way of thinking. I would call him out for it, but he won’t get it. Granted, I don't hang out with him or communicate with him often. Some men are just set and there's not much you can say to them without them getting offended and defensive.

And it’s not about dating younger, it’s more so about dating someone who still needs to establish some things in life and in your 20’s there is a good chance you’ve not done so yet….like having insurance which was mentioned in the video.

If you like the attention, that’s fine, but you don’t have to take it any further and make “friendships” that becomes questionable to your character. Another friend (male) used the phrase, “the weird old guy hanging around college aged girls”…again, I’m just the messenger. If you are this man, your life doesn't have to be mixed with mine, hey do what you like. Good luck out there, Fam.