Let The Juices Flow

“Be good to ‘Her’ first, before being good to him.”

Ok ladies, let’s talk about this. In a pervious topic I briefly talked about keeping your Hello Kitty healthy. I gave you an oil mixture recipe to use on Her and I talked about how important it is to maintain your pH balance.

Fellas, this might be TMI for you, but I can't force you to go, but we are going talk some lady business.

I’m pretty in tuned with my body and my health especially the Hello Kitty, I know right away when something isn’t right. I’m not currently sexually active or have been intimate with anyone in a long time, but I still have to pay attention Her. Even the clothes you wear or certain fabrics can throw you off balance. Those tight jeans may look cute on you, but it’s not giving enough air for your Kitty to breathe and sometimes textured or rough fabric can irritate her too. And if you have high moisture levels, you have to be more cognizant of these things. Wetness and tight clothes don't always mix well. Also, wetness and no underwear don’t mix well because of the chance of drippness down your inner thighs. 😅🫠

The main thing is keeping yourself clean. Pick up some vaginal soaps that can help maintain that pH balance and of course staying hydrated is good for your overall health. And just like using moisturizers on your face, do the same for the Kitty. I use natural oils on both my face and my Girl.

And of course we know the things you eat impact all parts of our bodies, but ladies we have to pay attention to how certain foods affect our Kitties. Any type of citrus fruits are great for your girl like grapefruit, oranges, limes, kumquats are all great because of the vitamin C component. Other things such as pineapple, different types of berries, apples, and pomegranate contain great antioxidants. 🍊🍋🫐🥝

Take Care Of Your Kitty

Treat your body how you want him to treat “Her

If you have any issues with dryness, dark greens can help you out with that. Think more kale, collard greens, spinach and broccoli is good to put into your regular diet 🥬🥦. Also, if you didn't know this, then I’m about to tell you, Avocados help boost not only wetness, but also you libido! 🥑😺

Let me tell you, whoever my next partner is…SIR, YOU'RE WELCOME! 💋💦

But for those of you who have an active sex life, here are some foods to stay away from before you do the do because they can cause a lingering odor, garlic, asparagus, onions, and brussels sprouts. Depending on certain meats and how it’s seasoned can also leave an unattractive smell, just let your nose pay attention to all of that. But always, ALWAYS, drink plenty of water 💧.

Now lets talk about sex a little. You should know by now that other people's fluids affect our Kitty fluids. If he’s not a clean person, what do you think that will do to your balance? Just think of UTIs and how uncomfortable they are. That's why no matter your partner, you should always have a healthy routine to get your Girl back on track. And after sex, make sure at the very least, you have a warm wash rag close by and wipe down the Kitty. 😻

Here are your takeaways:

  • Eat fruit

  • Eat your green veggies

  • Keep it clean and moisturized

  • Let her breathe

  • Drink water

“V” Oil Mix (use it as often as you want)

  • Sesame Oil

  • Argan Oil

  • Jojoba Oil

  • Tea Tree Oil

The Vision Board

Don’t feel like reading? Listen instead.

This will be the last post of 2022. I am going to enjoy the last few days of this year and I hope you take advantage of that too. All of you have made this year very interesting, getting into 2022 was a little rocky, but we smoothed it out and keep the laughs going. By the time May came around, I let other people’s issues stay with them and celebrated myself and oh what a celebration it was because I was very choosey on who I surrounded myself with, no one new, no young minded people, no one who would make me feel uncomfortable, and definitely no one who has shaded me, flaked off or didn’t have good thoughts about me. — No, I didn’t want anyone like that around me while I toasted up to my happiness. You know, there can be much to say about the people you decide to celebrate things with. I know I chose well.

If you ever want to read through any previous topics, you can go to the top menu and can click on “All Blogs & Articles” (hyperlinked) or from this page, just scroll to the bottom and see all the topics by month. And you all contributed to the creations of these topics. - Thank you.

I don't get into the whole vision board fad where you cutout pieces of a magazine and glue them on a poster board to visualize what you want in the new year…yeah it's basically a school art project. I’m not discrediting the value in this activity, I've been told it can be very relaxing, inspirational, and encouraging. My 2 bestfriends hosted vision board parties where I of course chose to be absent from. — I tolerate doing many things more often than I actually like doing them, that sounds bad, it’s just sometimes I do for others to make them happy. I’m the same about people too, I tolerate a lot of people more than I like them.

And I guess I have to answer this one question I keep getting from so many of you…No, I did not get involved with anyone this year and even as this year is ending and as I write this up, no one has came through to change my mind. I see and hear things about some men and even though we should not believe everything we see and hear, I’m practical enough to come up with my own conclusions about people. This entire year, I did not have anyone playing with my emotions and I plan to have the same energy going into 2023. And with us having few more days left, I am definitely starting the new year very happy knowing that no one is taking advantage of how reasonable I can be with relationships and men. (I know…you ladies don’t see eye to eye with me on certain things.) Just be sure to have a man who keeps you feeling loved and knows how to protect you from any messes he might make. Okay? — There are 2 things I have added on to my list of standards for a man: 1. If it comes to light that he was fooling with someone he denied sleeping with, that is a no for me. We are adults, what is the point of lying about who you you’ve laid with? Guys, if a woman is asking you about someone, there is a good chance she already has an inkling about something. Lying to her about it not only avoids her emotions, but also makes her feel less valued to you. 2. A man who never sees his actions, behaviors, or how he handled something as being wrong is also a no for me. No one person is always right in everything they do, so what makes you think you are?

But, do I have a set of goals for the new year?

Well, I’ve got 2 and a half more years before I can add “DR.” to my name. I guess my goals with that is to not get overwhelmed and keep pushing through. I’m working on a prototype that is in line with my applied research about professional training and development, so that is an objective that is going to last for a few years. My career will be in the same field, I am going to expand upon it a little more and create something that is going to help others get to a professional level where they can develop universal skills and transfer them into various industries and markets. And I have been wondering if I need to step away from this site as to not dilute my professional goals. This is the casual side of me, but the business side of me is very different. I guess I will have to find a way to infuse my two worlds. I’d hate to have to shut this site down, because I enjoy doing this too…luckily it’s not something I have to think a lot about any time soon.

One of my biggest thoughts is my oldest heading off to college next Fall. That is a major accomplishment. I am 100% a single parent, I did not get the luxury of co-parenting, although my family has helped a lot over the years, but when it comes to actually raising my kids and teaching them good values, it’s just me. I take them to their appointments, I stay up with them when they are sick, I answer their questions, I pay for their school expenses, I speak to their teachers, I expose them to different experiences, I follow up with their progress, there is no one I can tag in to do this for me. Those of you who are single parents, but still has the other parent present, consider that a blessing and be grateful even if you do not get along with each other. There is no such thing as a perfect parent, just at the very least, be there. My kids are still thriving despite only having me, because they have my family and their fathers side of the family. I could sit here and say I wish things were different, but why? My kids are happy, healthy, smart, creative, funny, and becoming people who I know will do great in life. They are not products of what’s missing, they are products of what continues to be here.

That is no different from us being a product of our pains, pleasures, lessons, and defaults. — It builds character and we can always develop ourselves to be better. Happy New Year everyone.

Space Kitty

Much of you know I don’t use a lot of harsh chemicals on my skin (aside from when I color my hair), but I am really careful about the products I use for skin care. I came across a company called Space Kitty and no, it’s not a cutesie toy company for small children. It’s skin care products mainly for your….ehem….feminine area 🐱. I did some research and from what I found, the company is fairly new and just now gaining attention because some of the customers claim that their “Kitty” area has improved tremendously after using the products. I went ahead and bought the Pretty Kitty Kit.

Quick Disclaimer: I did not purchase this for any reason but to try it out myself, there is no one who has been privileged enough to be near my…ummm…. personals. Ladies and gentleman, when I say there isn’t anyone, I literally mean it. — There is no one I’m cozying up to or has the impression that we are “talking” or “dating”, NONE OF THAT AT ALL. I know of people who say “I’m not with anyone” but yet, there is at least one person in their phone who is getting some type of special treatment. Trust me, no one is getting special treatment from me. I am fully on Good Girl status.

Anyway, I’ve been using the products for a few weeks now and let me tell you….who ever does get the honor… 😲🤯...yeah.

Some of the reviews from other customers claim that their Kitty is more 💦💦 and others claim their partners cannot stop 😜 and ………… read the rest in MEMBERS ONLY along with my full review of the products and how my 🐱 has ___________.)


A reader asked if I would consider marriage again and the topic has come up a few times amongst my friends. The simple answer is, No. But, it's not because there aren't any men worth marrying, there's plenty. For me it’s more of the idea that I have already accomplished so much in my life that I would have to slow down my ambitions in some way to accommodate a partner, not that I cannot have a supportive partner, but rather will there be a imbalance of power in the relationship.

I’m pretty headstrong and once my mind is set on something I see it the whole way through. I have my life arranged in a way that fits my wants and needs, so anyone who I am serious about would need to have the same mindset, not the mentality of going out frequently and wanting attention. Don’t get me wrong, I give myself time to enjoy the nightlife — I need that break every now and then — but I don’t have the tolerance to do it all the time and I don’t need him thinking that I’m lacking something because I rather be home or that he needs to find someone who wants to roam the streets with him, if that is the case, go right ahead sir, knock yourself out. — I'm for the sheets, not the streets (😄 I saw that written somewhere.) There's plenty of females who like to drink, smoke, and party every week, I’m not one of them.

When I am not working or studying, I am usually partaking in a happy hour and getting in the house before dark. When I am home, I clean, lounge, and relax (if I am not responding to emails or calls.) My life is tailor fitted, if I were to include a man there would need to be necessary conversations about how to tailor fit each other. Ya understand? For instance, living arrangements: We can purchase a new shared space like a family home or vacation property, but I don’t want him moving into a space I’ve already setup for myself and to be fair, I am not too keen on moving into a space he’s already setup for himself too. — We can still keep our individual properties.

With that being said, a man would have to be emotionally mature, well accomplished, and be very confident not only with himself but also with me to understand that any distance I show or disagreement we have does not equate to me not thinking about him or being disloyal to him.

One of my closest guy friends says: “You want someone whose life aligns closely with your own as far as achievement and ambitions, because if they are at the beginning of figuring out themselves, their careers, their finances, or even their surroundings, then they are going to look at you and see all that you’ve done and they are going to look to you to provide that same life to them.

Say life is a race and each mile of that race is an accomplishment, a degree, career, house, etc. and there’s three types of people: The ones who help you prepare, the ones who cheered you on while you were running, and the ones at the at the end of the finish line. One person can be 2 of these types or all 3 of these types, but you have to be careful of the person who only shows up at the end; are they trying to help you become better or are they trying to reap your benefits? — We see this scenario a lot with men who become wealthy or well accomplished and get their eyes caught up on the young lady who’s scantly dressed and always ready for a party.

“Oh you have nice things, I want nice things, you can give me nice things too.”

So, do you see my hesitation on the marriage topic? I don’t mind taking on a long-term lover, but even then there needs to be some understanding and set boundaries so that both of us feel appreciated, thought of, and protected.