Let The Juices Flow

“Be good to ‘Her’ first, before being good to him.”

Ok ladies, let’s talk about this. In a pervious topic I briefly talked about keeping your Hello Kitty healthy. I gave you an oil mixture recipe to use on Her and I talked about how important it is to maintain your pH balance.

Fellas, this might be TMI for you, but I can't force you to go, but we are going talk some lady business.

I’m pretty in tuned with my body and my health especially the Hello Kitty, I know right away when something isn’t right. I’m not currently sexually active or have been intimate with anyone in a long time, but I still have to pay attention Her. Even the clothes you wear or certain fabrics can throw you off balance. Those tight jeans may look cute on you, but it’s not giving enough air for your Kitty to breathe and sometimes textured or rough fabric can irritate her too. And if you have high moisture levels, you have to be more cognizant of these things. Wetness and tight clothes don't always mix well. Also, wetness and no underwear don’t mix well because of the chance of drippness down your inner thighs. 😅🫠

The main thing is keeping yourself clean. Pick up some vaginal soaps that can help maintain that pH balance and of course staying hydrated is good for your overall health. And just like using moisturizers on your face, do the same for the Kitty. I use natural oils on both my face and my Girl.

And of course we know the things you eat impact all parts of our bodies, but ladies we have to pay attention to how certain foods affect our Kitties. Any type of citrus fruits are great for your girl like grapefruit, oranges, limes, kumquats are all great because of the vitamin C component. Other things such as pineapple, different types of berries, apples, and pomegranate contain great antioxidants. 🍊🍋🫐🥝

Take Care Of Your Kitty

Treat your body how you want him to treat “Her

If you have any issues with dryness, dark greens can help you out with that. Think more kale, collard greens, spinach and broccoli is good to put into your regular diet 🥬🥦. Also, if you didn't know this, then I’m about to tell you, Avocados help boost not only wetness, but also you libido! 🥑😺

Let me tell you, whoever my next partner is…SIR, YOU'RE WELCOME! 💋💦

But for those of you who have an active sex life, here are some foods to stay away from before you do the do because they can cause a lingering odor, garlic, asparagus, onions, and brussels sprouts. Depending on certain meats and how it’s seasoned can also leave an unattractive smell, just let your nose pay attention to all of that. But always, ALWAYS, drink plenty of water 💧.

Now lets talk about sex a little. You should know by now that other people's fluids affect our Kitty fluids. If he’s not a clean person, what do you think that will do to your balance? Just think of UTIs and how uncomfortable they are. That's why no matter your partner, you should always have a healthy routine to get your Girl back on track. And after sex, make sure at the very least, you have a warm wash rag close by and wipe down the Kitty. 😻

Here are your takeaways:

  • Eat fruit

  • Eat your green veggies

  • Keep it clean and moisturized

  • Let her breathe

  • Drink water

“V” Oil Mix (use it as often as you want)

  • Sesame Oil

  • Argan Oil

  • Jojoba Oil

  • Tea Tree Oil

Wifely Duties (NSFW)

'“My kitty doesn’t beat for a handsome man. It beats for a man who shows me he’s an honorable man.”

Let’s start March with a bang. If you are at work please do not listen to this on speakerphones.

I love when you readers send me questions and want my opinions. A woman wrote to me saying that she has not been in the mood for a long time and she is starting to feel like her husband is pulling away from her. She says he is a good man, he works hard, he is very catering to her and isn’t the type of man who thinks a woman’s place is at home, cooking and clean. He does his fair share of maintaining their home too and he’s a great father to their kids. So she wants to know what she should do because she loves her husband, but she just hasn’t been feeling like getting down in the bedroom.

Ok, I am about to be raw with you guys so please don’t listen if you are overly sensitive to certain terms…

The Effort Series

I really did have fun with this red color.

Baby…ain’t shit out here in these streets. There is piss all up an down these roads, okay. 90% of these men will waste your time and just want you at their convenience. Their penises come with bs that you don’t need especially if you are a woman who has her shit together, career, home, healthy bank accounts, things like that. That dick that comes with the bs, isn’t stable dick and will also make you unstable. The other 10% may or may not be single. And the ones who are single are probably 25 years old, like the young man I’ve been telling you about. His grown is not the same as my grown, and if I give him some of me, I’m going to snatch his soul. I don’t want to do that, I don’t want that on my conscious, so I am going to spare him. But honey, back to your marriage, it sounds like you have a great man. First thing I suggest is to go to the doctor, your gyn, to get everything checked out and tell your doctor what’s going on. It may be health related. If there is an issues, get it solved and if there isn’t, the next thing you need to do is go get some lingerie, some oils, candles, and some sensory toys. Then get a babysitter, book you a nice hotel room, get some room service and take care of your husband! Arch you back, get on your knees, lick it up, swallow it, do the most on your husband. Let him know that your body wants him and how much you appreciate all that he does for you and your family. Because like I said, AIN’T SHIT OUT HERE IN THESE STREETS!

Ladies, we cannot get too high and mighty and letting other people get in our heads about not catering to your good man. That “City Girl” life…leave it to the city girls, they just want to frolic and have fun and that’s work for some women, because their life ain’t your life. You have to face what you currently have. And if you have a good man at home, let him know it.

Thank you for listening to my TED Talk.

Is this how defensive women get these days? “Why are you texting him?” - Girl, stop sneaking on his phone and hand it back to him.

Just A Few Minutes

“There's men who really don’t appreciate a woman who has her own, they instead go for someone who wants to be his dependent.”

So I saw this statement on one of my social media feeds, take a second to read it.

Fellas, I know some of you are on here and I'll tell you right now, THIS IS SOOOOO ABSOLUTELY TRUE! And let me explain why…

When we are taking care of ourselves, there’s no charade or showboating. We know exactly what we want and exactly what area of the Hello Kitty to focus on. My only audience is me.

The Effort Series

When I tell you this dress turned heads…IT TURNED HEADS!

With a man, and I can only speak for myself, but when I’m with a man I want the full experience, the kissing, touching, hugging, the tease, the foreplay, the talking, I want it all and I want it to last longer than a few minutes. But when it’s just me, there's no need for all of that, I just need to clear my head and it won’t take me long to do that. So yeah, we only need a few minutes. 😼

For those of you who don’t know what a rose is, it’s a toy that looks like a rose and the middle peddle vibrates and moves a different speeds depending on the setting you put it on. This toy has great marketing and has a lot of good reviews and I can tell you it lives up to the hype and all the reviews are accurate. 😼💦

Care For The V

PRE THOUGHT: I don’t want just the body, I want the mind and soul too. And before I give my body to someone, I want to know that his is for me and doesn’t play about me, like he’s not going to allow anyone to mistreat me, take advantage of me, or talk badly about me. This may sound cliché, but I want someone who I feel is a genuine friend to be my intimate companion.

If I ever fall in love again, I will be sure that the lady is a friend.” - Shai (1992)

Topics about sex and intimate care seem to always drive a lot of traffic to this site, so I’ll start to incorporate more of these talks.

So, there rules to the ‘V’, how we take care of her, who we let touch her, and how we keep her happy.

First things first, Ladies….Keep. Her. Healthy. Don’t skip your routine check ups. Don't be afraid to tell the doctor anything you have a concern about, tract infections, STDs, pregnancy, no matter what it is talk to your medical care professional, that's what they are trained to do. On top of keeping her healthy, Keep her clean!

There are products that you can insert in to your personal area, but (and this is my opinion) unless it’s prescribed by you're doctor, I'd advise against it because those over the counter cleansers are full of chemicals and you have no clue how your body will react to them and if you use them all the time, there maybe some harmful long term effects. So again, don't put anything up there unless your doctor directs you or does it themselves. Use soap that’s made for sensitive areas and wash only the outer parts, the inner parts need different attention. For instance, vaginal steams are a lot healthier than inserting weird chemicals in there.

You also want to maintain your softness and moisture and I'm not talking about for sex, I’m talking about everyday. Overall, my skin is naturally soft, but I'll still use some oils to keep my skin refreshed and renewed. There's a combination of oils I mix in a dropper bottle that I used for my Hello Kitty after showering and after my waxes (even though no one is seeing what’s under my clothes, I still like to take care of myself), but you can use it as often as you need to. Trust me ladies, it’s going to keep you soft, smooth, and balance your moisture. I’ll add the ingredients at the bottom.

Okay, enough information for the ladies, let’s move on to the men…

Fellas, here's how you can take care of her personals. First understand it's a sensitive area, when your good to it, it's good to you. You have to treat it like a treasure. I don’t know if you're heard this before, but the Pink Lady can actually pulsate, meaning if she’s around a man she’s extremely attracted to, who's good to her and makes her feel great, a physiological thing happens and that girl down there will beat stronger than a heart and makes a woman's body get really warm. Men, this is a real thing and this is what you want. You’ve got to sweet talk her whether you're whispering enticing things in a woman's ears or directly talking to the kitty; make it wet before even touching her. You want to turn on each part of the woman and the more care you give the Pink Lady, the more likely the woman will treat you like Karrine Steffans (if you don’t know who that is, you’re too young to be here and need to go play with your blocks, okay, the adults are talking right now).

Men, do you remember watching older movies where the man is seducing a woman and how he’s very gentle with her, flirts with her, compliments her, and tells her he wants her without saying those exact words? That's part of foreplay and it’s necessary to get an amazing experience. Think James Bond, how smooth and suave he was before bedding a woman.

But if you want to be a little more direct without being too aggressive, take the woman out, doesn’t have to be dinner, maybe just drinks or a nice lounge and ask her to wear a dress. And throughout the evening, gently grace your hand on her thighs and every now and then, caress the Kitty. Don’t make it obvious, but obvious enough to make her notice. And if you’re willing, say some sexual things to her, use your finesse to finesse her. There’s nothing more attractive than a man who knows he wants me and tells me what he wants to do with me while running his hands up my dress (I may be saying a little too much right now, hopefully no man who personally knows me or sees me frequently visits my site). Maybe this year, someone will surprise me and be the outlier and get me to share myself with him, or maybe not, we'll see because what have I started saying?…We never know our decisions until we make them. 😺…So, we’ll see if someone changes my mind this year. 😉

😺 ”V” Oil Mix: Sesame Oil, Argan Oil, Jojoba Oil, Tea Tree Oil - I did not use any particular measurements, I just did all equal parts and mixed thoroughly. Massage the oil on the outer areas. Use it as often as you like. — Let me tell ya, whomever does get the pleasure to bed me is going to be extremely happy with my Hello Kitty. *Plus he’ll have a few new features to play with. 😉

Bedroom Moves

2 Part Audio.

Before we start… I want to say something to some of the ladies here. The reader who sent me this video disclosed to me that a man she used to be involved with now is surrounding himself with several younger women. Ladies, if these men want to be like Puff/Diddy, let them have their free spirited, don’t gave a damn about anything but drinks and smoke and living on a whim type girls, let them have it. Whatever they’re going through or whatever attention or validation they need from those girls, let them have it.

But let’s be clear, Puff has created his own empire, his own world and how he manages his life isn't how most of these man manage theirs. Once you see a man entertain a much younger woman and barely interacts with you, Baby, he's not for you and you're not for him. Because if he was a man of your stature, he wouldn't be giving all his attention to girls who still need years to catch up to where you are. Baby, it’s okay, because you're going to find a man who loves you at your age and admires all that you've accomplished and kiss all your pains away. Don't worry about these 40/50 year old men who still likes young ass on them, there’s an identity issue there, and you don't need his issues to be yours. Stay who you are and the right one will love you for it. Ok? Hugs and kisses. 😘

Now let’s move on…..

Obviously, this topic isn’t for me. It’s for all you sexually active lovers. How’s life over there? You like it? Surprisingly, I do not miss sex as much as people expect me to. I guess people assume that I’m this sexual deviant who has to have a different lover every month to feed my lustful appetite. — Ummmm, NO. I want an authentic mental connection with someone. I don’t want someone just to skim through my pages, I want him to carefully read through my lines and find the hidden stories that I keep from the world. I want someone to know my flaws and still be patient enough to see me as someone who constantly willing to learn the life around me. I also want someone to see that I don’t give up easily and that I’m loyal to the end even when I’m hurting and being misunderstood. The point is, don’t take me at face value because I’m more than what I show people.

So I read a few articles about sex and how to best please your partner and how to keep things exciting between the two of you. I’m just going to summarized what I read and tag the articles separately.

Types of Sex Couples Should Have:

  • Morning Sex - What’s not great about starting your day with some penetration?

  • Spontaneous Sex - I love this kind of sex. It’s unexpected, passionate, and all the juices are just flowing making every moment exciting.

  • Make Up Sex - I like think type of sex too. Your emotions are involved, the anger and love mixed into one and you forget about all the problems and just look into each other.

  • Romantic Sex - This is probably more in my lane because I’m a sensual person. I love the tender kisses. I love being held and looking into each other’s souls and infusing our bond with a deeper connection. (Pun intended).

Praise Kink - This is not a new concept, but it’s a new term for talking during sex and saying things that praise your partner such as:

  • You're such a good girl/boy.

  • It’s so big.

  • No one can do it like you.

  • You are the best.

  • You're so good at [insert skill].

  • You look so good when you [insert activity].

  • You taste so good.

  • Just like that… keep going.

  • You feel so [insert verb or adjective]

  • *This isn’t a praise kink, but I love hearing a man moan, such a turn on

Sex Pillows - You can buy special pillows to make the feeling more pleasurable for you and your partner, but you can really use any firm pillow; it’s where you position it that matters. When the woman is on the bottom and facing you, put the pillow right under the hips, if she’s turned around, put the pillow under the lower stomach. If the man is on the bottom, have him sitting slightly up with the pillow supporting his back. The pillow position option helps with better pivotal points and makes the sensation more exciting, plus with the man on the bottom, having the pillow behind him gets his body closer to yours and more opportunities for neck kisses and…ummmm…nipple attention.

And I want to add this last one, it’s not a sex thing, and of course I’ve not been able to do this because I’m keeping men away from me and completely avoiding them 😂, but I would love just lay in bed with a man and sit my legs on him while he’s watching to TV and I'm in my glasses typing away on my laptop. I'm a square huh? I’m okay with that because I know there's a man who's going to love that I just like to chill out and do simple things. We’ll show out every now and then, but home is where the heart is and I want to feel like home to a man. Stay safe out there. 😉

Article References for Types of Sex and Praise Kinks: www.xonecole.com (Necole started out as a celebrity blogger and now focuses her topics on women’s empowerment, relationships, business, health and wellness).