Don't Bash Someone's Wins In Life

“We win for our own personal reasons and we show it in our own personal way.”

Sometimes we do not realize it, but we can be biased towards people. Let’s say you criticize me for something I do, but then admire or praise someone else for doing the same thing, what is the reason for that? Either you don’t want to give me credit, either you are not paying attention, or you have a personal issue with me. Say if we are supposed to be friends and you avoid praising me for doing my best and reaching my goals, but you praise someone else for reaching their goals…yeah, you have personal issue with me, my dear. Let’s say for instance a man is telling me that he admires another woman he knows for still finding a way to make things happen while dealing with a lot of hurdles…then that man is avoiding to acknowledge what he knows about me.

So, I am on this body wellness kick, my mind and my soul are straight, but physically, there is a way I want my figure to be. I already have an hourglass type of shape, but I want it to be more defined and toned. A few weeks ago I started doing sculpting massages where I am starting to see more definition in my mid section and I altered my diet a little. I also pulled back on my alcohol consumption and detox my liver every other week. All of these are little adjustments and I am noticing slight differences, but I’m interested to see on who else notices a change.

Anyway, let’s get back to the main topic. Psychology suggests that when you scrutinize someone for celebrating their accomplishments there’s evidence of bias and even insecurity. Let me give you an example, women do this a lot: When a woman makes comments about another woman’s way of fancy living, say she says something like, “She’s always dressed like she’s going somewhere” or “she ain’t better than me” or “she’s always showing off her stuff”…does any of that sound familiar? In my perspective anyone who say things like this, man or woman, has issues within themselves. If someone seems to always dress nice, maybe it’s because they take pride in how they look. If you think that someone else thinks they are better than you, well in theory they probably are because of your current mindset of being negative. And if someone seems to be showing off their stuff, is that what they are really doing or is that what you first see because you lack having the same things or that’s not how you would do things? Either way, maybe someone is proud to be able to live the life they worked hard for, why be bothered about it? Like I’m not into the big medallion chains and necklaces, but I know some people wear those things because it’s their style and it’s a token of their success. The quarterback of my football team wears one and even though that’s not something appealing to me, I still applaud him because he’s worked hard and deserves to live how he wants to. Plus, he’s such a sweet kid. I don’t mean to call him that, but I first met him when he was earning his undergrad. He has a very resilient mindset. I love watching him play and I know he’s going to do just as well off the field too.

Body candles from

And in a previous post, when I mentioned how a sports commentator now has his own personal platforms and really showing his character and status, the photos of him don’t phase me, it’s what he chooses to talk about that leads me to think he’s really allowing all the hype and publicity influence what he’s doing. I applaud him for shifting to other types of platforms, but the content just doesn’t do it for me, but that’s me. And I do have friends who are very familboyant in the way they showcase their lives, they are not at all low-key and laidback, but I still praise them because I know where they came from and what they sacrificed. I just hate when people judge or talk about other people as if they themselve don’t have things to improve upon. Usually when I hear people talking like this, I navigate the conversation in a more positive way of thinking.

Even when someone’s values do not exactly align with mine, I still find ways to compliment them. For instance I was talking to one of my friends the other day and he was sharing how so many women are trying to be involved with him — and this friend does his fair share of entertaining women, sometimes I bear witness to it, other times he just tells me about it, but he meets women everywhere. So in our conversation, he says more affluent women are interested in him, like high professional women and women who have their own. Instead of telling my friend he needs to calm down, I told him that is a great testament to his character given that high caliber women see something in him that has peaked their interests. And you know what he said to me? “I’m not fcking with bum btches or young btches that just look good.” And again, instead of talking him down, I told him that’s because you have a mature outlook on things and then he says, “Yall independent btches don’t listen, but you know what you want, and I like that sht.” So my friend is the kind of guy that whoever he gets involved with, she has to have other things going on in her life because he can’t be her main focus. And then he proceeds to tell me to stay focused on my academics and not to be like him, and I cannot even fathom being like him, but I love this friend wholeheartedly. I love how honest he is about who he is and his intentions with women, so I will always defend his nonsense because he knows how to compartmentalize the various parts of his life. He is a family man first and foremost, he is a businessman second, he is a friend third, and everything else is at his discretion.

So regardless of where you are in your life or what you believe, there is no reason for you to discredit someone else’s wins and happiness in life.

Be safe everyone.

The Energy You Give

The energy you give is just as important as the energy you allow yourself to take in. Energies can easily be changed, shifted, and influenced. You want to be cognizant of the vibe you are exuding. Even if you are being friendly, if your mood is distant or shut off, it will still come through: tone, word usage, and body language can convey your current energy. You have to be carefully with your negative energy because someone else might match it. If your tone is aggressive or dismissive then should you be offended if the person you are talking to meets your tone with the same energy?

When someone is upset, they don’t look outside themselves and see how their behavior is possibly influencing bad reactions from others, that’s why when people are arguing, nothing is being heard, therefore nothing is being solved. Good leaders, whether of a company or a home, have to be careful of the energy they are giving off because it will either encourage positive responses or rebellious ones. This is the main reason why arguing through text is never a good idea.

Example: This wasn’t an argument, but it could have turned into one if I didn’t practice self-awareness. I sent a message to someone late at night with misguided information. I pieced together different parts of conversations with people earlier that evening and the end conclusion that I held on to was completely inaccurate 🤦🏽‍♀️ (!!!) And the response I got the next morning was very justified 🙃😄. But instead of holding my ground and causing friction, I began to accept my misunderstanding and revert back to a happier energy.

*But I’ve noticed sometimes when people know who I am or who I know, they'll say certain things around me to see my reaction or how I respond. 😒

What do you notice when you are genuinely happy or at least happy with the people around you? You are laughing, you are smiling, you are welcoming, and you are emanating good, positive energy which flows onto others and their same energy flows onto you. So it’s a good practice to be around people who are in sound mind, body, and peace. But we are not robots, so we cannot always be cheerful. Although, when we are not in a happy-go-lucky mood some of us shut down and need space from everyone (be mindful that you are not hurting others when you are in this alone or dark space), while others try to find their happiness through others (also not healthy).

When my mood is down, I keep myself away from everyone because I don’t want what’s bothering me to inflict them, but I still have to work on not letting other people get me down. I still have certain triggers that switch my mood from good to horrible very quickly.

*While on vacation, I got some weird tan lines due to my choice of swimwear. 🛳🌞👙

In a physical relationship, pay attention to whom you share your intimate energy with. Intimacy at this level intertwines your aural energy with the aural energy of the other person. These powerful connections, regardless of how insignificant you think they are, leave spiritual debris, particularly within people who do not practice any type of cleansing, physical, emotional or otherwise. The more you interact intimately with someone, the deeper the connection and the more of their aura is intertwined with yours. Imagine someone having a confused aura or negative energy and they are sleeping with multiple people, now their aura is being carried around through these multiple energies and the person is also carrying around the auras of other people. What they may not realize is that others can feel that energy which can repel positive energy and attract more negative energy into your life. — If you believe this, then you should not sleep with anyone who you do not what to be like or not happy to be around because their energy will begin to transfer stress into your life.

If you have sex with positive, loving, uplifting people their energy is absorbed and uplifts you. If you have sex with negative, pessimistic, unstable, depressive people then that energy will have you confused, frustrated and moody.

This entire theory is the idea that environmental energy and physical energy manifests itself to mental energy. Anyone in agreement any with this?

UnBirthday 2022

There is a lot of confusion of when my birthday actually is. My mother says one thing, my birth certificate says another, and I acknowledge my birthday on a different day every few years. So all of May is my “UnBirthday”. This year is a little extra special because I not only finally decided to celebrate my birthday openly, but I also decided to celebrate my recent accomplishments….three weeks long of celebrations in different states.

I am completely worn out! The last time I celebrated myself was maybe 8 years ago and since then, I’ve just been keeping life very simple. This year I wanted to be different. And I am so blessed with the people I have in my life who have celebrated me in private as well as in public. There are people that support you and then there are people who show their support for you.

My genuine readers have been amazing through the years. I will always keep a veil of privacy between what I do and what I share. The reason is for my peace of mind because I don’t always want someone else’s input on what I decide for myself. Not everyone will understand and that’s ok. As long as I am not causing harm to myself or others, then if I wish to keep certain things to myself, then so be it.

But when I celebrate, I want to celebrate with anyone and everyone who has imprinted on my life in a great way. There should not be any bad energy when all you want to do is smile, be grateful, be happy, and enjoy everything that you’ve accomplished, personally and professionally. I am overly ecstatic that in the last few weeks I was surrounded by people who were on the same groove as me. I could not have asked for anything better.