When You Love Someone

When you love someone you just don't treat them bad.” - Donell Jones (Where I Want To Be, 1999)

There’s been a lot on my mind the last few days, people, situations, circumstances, everything. But you know what I still take time to reach out to people because I either love them or have love for them. And I am noticing more and more people don’t do the same. It’s a bit disappointing, but it still doesn’t deter me from still caring and asking how people are. Especially during this time of year where studies show how people are more prone to stress, anxiety, and depression for various reasons.

I read somewhere that over 50% of people have no internal dialogue…like no personal or original thoughts. If this is true, some people I know are starting to make a lot more sense to me…just completely dense.

Even in my writing I mention or reference people and sometimes I talk about hurtful experiences with some of them, but I really have not ill feelings towards anyone in my life. We are all very different and we interact with people differently. Even the last man I was sleeping with, I do not have any issues with him, we are harmony…well, the best harmony we can give each other. And even the 20 something year old who I mentioned is very sweet on me I have nothing bad to say about him. He has severely irritated me recently. He’s just young and really doesn’t grasp the concept of what I occurs in my life. He keeps sending me text messages saying “Hey” — That’s it. That’s all he says.

The first few times, I entertained it and responded in kindness because I figured he did not have much to say want just wanted to say Hi. But then he kept sending that one word message and I’m just like….See this is why I can’t be with anyone young. There is no substantial dialogue and when there is some sort of conversation it is very dense and superficial. I don’t really follow today’s music, I stopped watching those stereotypical reality shows and dramas years ago, I don’t like discussing other people or getting into their personal business, so I can talk to you about the simple things, but it can only go so far. Either way, I don’t have anything bad to say about that young man, he’s sweet, and I said before he is farther in life that most of his peers, he’s not in a dead-end job, he has his own place, he doesn’t waste money, and he’s on a good path. I’m just can’t mentally keep taking a few steps back just to carry a conversation.

Someone asked me if I am noticed my conversations with people are not as stimulating as they used to be because I am in a doctorate’s program. I have noticed that mood becomes a bit stale when someone isn’t saying anything intrinsic, but it’s been like that for a while now.

Anyway, let’s get off of that, this topic is about love.

I know we all define love differently and sometimes we do hurt the ones we care about, but is there a limit? Like is there a moral compass on what lines we should not cross? I think so. Say if you are involved with someone and you tell them you love them, is it odd that they don’t share to others that they deeply care about you? Like how can you love me, but you downplay your feelings about me to other people? I completely understand not letting people into your business, but if you have strong feelings for someone, shouldn’t that at least be known?

Love does make us do unexpected things. It’s an odd emotion. Love makes me drop everything and take a flight to comfort a friend. Love makes me defend people even when they don’t deserve my support for them. Love sometimes keeps me quiet in order not to cause a conflict. Love also sometimes has me accepting that people will never understand who I am when I am willing to understand them. Love is happiness and love is pain.

This is one of my Godsons. His mother and I have been friends since grade school.

When the love is good and genuine, you never what to let it go, but everything doesn’t last forever. You just have to enjoy while you have it. Remember when I said I got put my shoes back on after getting comfy in the house just go catch up with a friend I rarely see? That is the type of genuine love I have for several people in my life…getting uncomfortable to go towards comfort. — I hope that makes sense.

But when love is pain, it can tear us down and eat away at us. I told someone that “Pain never really goes away, we just learn to manage it better.” And that goes for any type of hurt we experience because pain is pain and none of us is immune to it and there is not a way to categorize what type of pain is worse. You cannot tell someone what they feel isn’t as bad how someone else may feel. Again Pain is Pain, just like a sin is a sin, whether it is lying or stealing, it is still a sin, correct?

The hope is that we get through any pain and become stronger and still be able to show and give love to people. And I want to believe that people do not intentionally seek to hurt anyone that’s why I tend to give people more grace than they may deserve, but sometimes people make decision to just appease themselves and you’re just in the crossfire.

I want to keep being happy

I am not in love, but I have love and give love and I think that is the best thing we can do for others and ourselves.

SIDEBAR: If you guys partake in watching adult entertainment, then you know who Mia Khalifa is. I did not bother to watch this show/podcast, the headline just caught my eye because it’s been a hot topic here and everyone has their own views on it. If any of you watched it, let me know what the conversation was about, is a man really lacking something if he is dating someone who is 10 or 20 years younger than him? (I know the last man I was involved with was over 10 years, not over 15, but at least 10 years older. Our communication wasn’t awkward because I had already experienced a few major milestones in life and our paths were parallel to one another, so we were able to discuss things that were relative to each other). But is a man lacking something mentally, emotionally, or something that he see it better to impress a younger woman than a woman his age?

Disciplined Men

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The last post we talked about sex. Let’s go a little deeper (no pun intended for you freaks 😆). Let’s talk about the relationship you have with your partner and what makes a woman comfortable. I was afraid to do a survey on this topic because I’m still scarred from the last survey!

With everything you ladies gave me in your comments and stories, you like for a man you be about you. Even if on occasion you allow other people into your bedroom or you have an “open understanding relationship”, you still like to feel he still only chooses you at the end of the day. I get it, you guys are a unit, a union, a team, so it’s the two of you against everyone else. But with so many outside influences, how do you trust that a man isn’t being swayed towards something that does not involve you at all? Granted couples are still two separate individuals, so there are still things that you may do or decide without your partner’s input, and everyone’s relationship works differently, BUT at what point is what you do or decide to do go against any love and trust your relationship has?

If I am with someone, everyone else is for our entertainment and we are the ones who see eye to eye, we are the ones who look out for each other before we look out for anyone else. If we are at a social event, we don’t have to stand next to each other the whole time, but come around and check on me. If we are in the same room, I can look over at you anytime and you can look over at me, so I should not see any woman getting too cozy with you or touching on you like how I would. It’s not a matter of wanting control, it’s a matter of respecting each other and our bond or connection. Yes, there will be men who vie for me as their will be women who vie for him, but how we respond to those advances is very important in how the relationship is set. And if we are not public about our situation, don’t go on telling people there's nothing going on or there's no feelings between us, because then you are already setting things up to fall apart. People don’t have to know our business, but at the very least they should know that you're eyes are on me. And if a man feels he can’t do that, then he should be very honest about it.

I saw a post that read, “A man settles where he finds peace.” And I thought…Well, he needs to also offer peace and to do that he has to know what she finds peaceful. But if it’s only about him, then a man settles where it’s easy and that statement is misogynistic. Reminds me of the professional athlete I used to date when I was younger, gorgeous man, but a very selfish, narcissistic, and a bad attitude. — Also, what does a man consider peace? Not being mentally challenged? Not being questioned about his thoughts or emotions? Not being encouraged to live healthier? If a man considers peace to not be bothered when someone wants to better understand him, his actions, his moods, and wants him to be better, then he doesn't want growth, he wants contentment. And I’m too ambitious to be content, I want abundance.

Boys will be boys, even when they become men and carry and abundance of responsibilities, they are still boys. They like when pretty girls give them attention, it feeds their egos. They like knowing that they are attractive to women, it feeds their pride. But what sets men apart from reckless boys is DISCIPLINE.

The discipline of knowing he has someone who cares for him and who would be hurt if he did something to tarnish the relationship. The discipline of talking to the person he is with if something is on his mind. The discipline to learn his partner and know what she is comfortable with and what she isn’t. A progressive man knows discipline, especially if there are other women who want him. He doesn’t allow another woman to get too comfortable with him or confuse his pleasantness to be something more. He makes his boundaries very clear to other women.

This is the difference between a man playing games and a man who wants you. A man playing games either doesn’t know what he wants or he just wants what he wants from multiple people without being clear that he is not committing to one person. A man who wants you won’t make things confusing. You will know exactly where you stand with him and he’ll keep reassuring you that he’s not looking elsewhere. — That is an attractive man.

And here's is a PSA to all men, regardless if you call it dating, or seeing each other, or just being casual, what you do with a woman in private is still a type a relationship you need to be aware of, whether maintaining and growing it, or avoiding and destroying it. It is still something you consciously developed with her. — Be very mindful of that. Emotionally intelligent men are.

Listen, I'm not saying men who share their 🍆 around are bad men, trust me I have a few friends who are male whores (😒) and I accept them for how they want to be, but those type of men aren’t for me or women of a particular standard. If you have community 🍆 , good for you. That's just not my vibe. I think men who are low key and laid back are more my speed. I may have this website where I talk about many topics, but my personal life is still sacred and I like for a man to have the same sentiment; supports what I do but also trusts that I’m not allowing people in to damage our relationship.