What Could a 4-6 Week Lockdown Mean?

This is hypothetical, but it can happen if the President Elect seals the deal.

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We've been at this since March, oh how long ago that felt like... remember Tiger King, killer hornets, learning how to wash our hands, alcohol deliveries, everyone making bread and sharing their home-cooked meals or home DIYs...fond memories. — It feels like we've been 5 years into 2020 so far.

And let's not talk about the kids learning virtually, I. AM. TRAUMATIZED. Ideally, I imagine there are companies strategizing on how to make online learning for young students more effective and enjoyable, when there's a need, fill it. Not to discredit K-12, an online learning platform that's been graduating kids since 2000. Some parents aren't educators (I fall into this category) and some children learn better in person. I told my daughter this can help her prepare for a different version of college, she'll still be able to work and travel the world without being stuck in a classroom all day. I definitely do not oppose online learning considering I opted for it myself the last few years. It just takes discipline and focus.

But what could it mean of we undergo a serious shutdown? Well, let's be honest, the economy will suffer even more. No one going out, gallivanting in the streets, shopping, going out to eat, traveling, getting sweaters for our dogs. ‍ME ⬅️, I'm one of those people who profusely stimulates the economy because I'm always buying stupid shit I don't need, but even I'm getting tried of online checkouts…Sorry Amazon I just don't feel the same way anymore, can we still be friends? Although the purpose of the lockdown is for the economy to thrive and get back to "normal".

England has already began their efforts in late October. I mentioned it to my sister and her comment was, "Yeah, we need one too because I just want to f*cking go to Disney World.” — Let's throw her some Mickey ears and churros to keep her calm. I feel her sentiment though, the closest tropical place I went to was...nowhere, I've been stuck here like the rest of you sensible people who know how to behave. No sun kissed skin, no clear blue ocean water, no volleyball on the sand, no cabana boys feeding me recycled compliments for tips, NOTHING.

Sorry, my distain for 2020 is showing a little too much. Maybe that's why I've been so moody lately, normally by this time of year I already enjoyed at least two vacations. Traveling wasn't completely off the tables for everyone, I know a few people who flew to other countries and stayed healthy, you just have to follow the guidelines.


On November 9th, I saw my stocks blossom. I spoke to a friend that evening, we went through our portfolios and discussed how we can make a few adjustments to keep our investments in the green. Yet, if the U.S. were to put up "Sorry, We're Closed" signs, I don't expect for the market to do so well because it feeds off the people. Keep in mind, the U.S. survived the Great Depression, didn't it? And aren't Americans more resourceful now? I'd like to believe so, otherwise what's the allure of immigrants like me coming here, obtaining a citizenship, and building a good life? So, I'm not too concerned about the market. I don't put money in there that I need to live off of anyway.

Five Java - Tuscaloosa, AL

Five Java - Tuscaloosa, AL

And have you noticed prices going up on groceries or seeing a sanitizing charge at some eat-in restaurants? Well, businesses have to make up their profits in some way. They have to keep the lights on, pay leasing, pay taxes, buy inventory, maintain working equipment, and of course pay employees just to list of few things owners have to think about. Could this mean a surge in costs after coming out of a potential close out? And should we go into unemployment? Or has that been a sensitive topic all year? With what I do, some months I saw spikes in applications, other months I barely saw 10 in one week. But even while interviewing, the demeanors I see are either lackluster or just too excitable to work with little emotional range in between.

Sports? What sports?

The holidays this year will definitely have a different look and feel. Not sure where I'll be yet, I may be solo dolo because best believe I'm not doing large gatherings and I don't want to talk about politics at anyone's dinner table. I even deactivated my Facebook account because I didn't want to keep seeing repelling arguments from both sides, it's like watching trains collide with no conductors, so yeah, just pass me the yams that's already in the Tupperware because breaking out the fine China is useless at this point, maybe we can still use silverware over the plastic utensils, sound fair?


Do we need a lockdown? I think so. The COVID numbers are still climbing, people are either not caring or just accepting this reality as the new normal? Newsflash, catching a virus that potentially can kill you within months or even weeks is not a new normal I want to welcome. I can't image the pain of losing someone over this or what about my loved ones losing me? To never be able to see me again because I wanted to be careless with my health and safety. Keeping ourselves away from the outside isn't the end of the world, yeah there will be some economic repercussions, but I think we all just need to have a time out. I'm more introverted than I am extroverted and I am actually more productive when I stay distant. It gives me the chance to think about different aspects of my life, what is bringing value to me, what is draining me, what is most important to me, what I need to let go of, and what or who I want in my future.

If we do this lockdown now or whenever Biden proposes, we have the make the most of it and know it will bring us closer to 'living' again. Plus, it will allow us to look forward to an enjoyable summer. I know I need it, don't you?

Why would we keep wanting to do the same things and expect different results? (Let this one sink into each part of your life. Don’t exclude that sometimes YOU can have toxic behaviors.)


Welcome Back…Kinda

Travel Protection

Travel Protection


Hello Humans, welcome back to the outside. How does the air smell? First, let me get this thought out of the way, “Can somebody’s President PLEASE listen to his speech writers?! I don’t want to make this political because when it comes to politics, I pay attention to the policies not necessarily the person sitting in the seat. But c’mon now — Let’s word things a bit better. Can we at least seem like we have some of the top rated schools in the country?

[If you want to catch a good movie that pokes fun of political stereotypes, stream The Hunt. The movie stars Hillary Swank, but you don't see her until mid scenes. The film has a bit of humor and references George Orwell's Animal Farm which perked my ears when I heard one of the characters say, "She's our Snowball". For those who don't remember or did not study Animal Farm in middle school, the novel is a political satire about the Soviet Union during Communist rule; basically the oppression from government powers.]

Moving on, let’s do a recap:

  • Quarantine orders are lifting (some of you didn’t adhere to them in the first place). Congratulations you’ve completed Level 4 of Jumanji. There’s still talks about us getting another round of the Virus near the end of the year that will couple with Flu and Cold Season — Alrighty then, let’s mask-on and do this! *Keep yourselves protected. (I am in no rush to risk getting sick.)

  • This is my sole opinion but, some people are just idiots when it comes to this whole pandemic; just making the most questionable decisions no matter who it affects. Yeah, not all of us can be heros and we may relate more to the villain, but we don’t have to choose that route. Remember my thoughts in “Everyone Loves the Hero, but No One Forgets the Villain.” Some people are already hard to forget but, others are just senseless.

  • A lot of people and companies are not planning to head back into the office or open their doors any time soon. — Me, I am people.

  • Many small businesses did not survive and were unable to get Relief Loans and yet, huge corporation received emergency funding…..hmmmmm, how did that happen? To the small businesses that not only had a physical location, but also an online retail service for goods and supplies before the pandemic hit, smart moves, you guys were ahead of the curve and already created a stable brand with loyal customers to keep you from plummeting. And credit to those small business owners who had a '“rain day” account and/or whom are deeply connected to their communities that this little setback didn’t hurt much. If you have a business and have not invested in marketing….ya might want to get on that.

  • Those of you who received some of the stimulus aid learned really quick it was not enough. Others are still waiting on their checks. And some people who are getting the extra Unemployment aid are making more money now than when they were working. — I hope you know about budgeting and managing expenses.

  • Mental Health has become a problem and the trauma of the pandemic did not help and within that issue, Domestic Violence cases has gone up (HERE is an organization that helps women financially to leave an abusive relationship.)

  • Some relationships have been tested and facing the brink of failure. A good friend is set to be married this year and his fiance is now questioning their love for one another, but that's not my business to discuss. — Hang in there Homie, you’ll get through it. As I mentioned it in a previous post, Marry Your Bestfriend = Marry someone who you get excited to tell good news to, who you like being around even if you're saying nothing, who tries to understand you, who wants to stand by and work with you through life's changes, who makes you laugh on the hard days, who makes the best days even better, and who can lock eyes with you and you get the feeling of admiration.

  • I’ll keep this PG, but we may see an influx of newborns in DEC/JAN/FEB. -- Hey Babies, Auntie RayRay will be ready to dress you up next summer. We are doing 2 summers next year.

  • The Stock Market is a shit show. I guess I’m not retiring this year. Yet, that didn’t stop me from buying some energy stocks that are now under $10. (See more info on energy stocks HERE.)

  • So many people don’t know how to wear masks properly and I feel like I’m about to go rob a bank anytime I pull my mask up before walking into a building. — “Okay, park the car around back, leave the engine running, I’ll be out with the goods in 14.2 minutes. If I’m not out be then, just head to the meetup spot and wait for my call.

  • Video conferencing platforms has skyrocketed and is the new phone call: Zoom, Google Meet/Hangouts/Duo, Microsoft Meetings, etc.

  • “Club Quarantine” has rescued many of us from going crazy. I added some more 70’s and 80’s songs to my daily playlist. — Don’t think too much on how old I may be, I’m old enough to see that your well-to-do son may be nice, but his well-to-do divorcee father would be a better fit to my life. #WhosYoDaddy

  • TikTok is this thing the kids are using to show off...whatever they like to show off these days. Also, if you were not aware, here is some trivia: TikTok was developed by ByteDance a Chinese corporation that headquarters in Beijing and averages about 7 Billion in revenue a year. ByteDance is valued at US$75 billion, making it the most valuable startup in the world. Zhang Yiming, founded the company in 2012 and is 37 years old. His net worth is 16.2 billion for 2020. WOW. How serious do you think a 16.2 billion dollar man is when conducting business meetings? (No, the company is not publicly traded, I already checked.)

A man once told me:

"The more successful you are, the more people you'll disappoint, the more promises you'll break; not to mention the hearts you'll shatter, and the more of a threat you become. When you are sitting at the top of your success, be prepared for the work that comes with managing the people around you.

He also said to me:

When you put your money away, keep the lower bills on the outside to hide your bigger bills, don't ever talk about how much money you have. Let them assume."

I like it when men give me useful life tidbits. The man who gave me this knowledge owns a NBA team. -- I’m pretty sure he knows what he's talking about.

  • Homeschooling is not for everyone. — Not sure if the case went anywhere but, a few Drexel University students have sued the school over the appropriation of their student loans since now they are tele-learning. When my current institution switched to 100% e-learning, to ensure all on campus students were aware of the procedures, all the faculty sent out emails giving set by step instructions on where to locate materials and how to complete assignments online. I giggled over this because, I’ve been e-learning the whole time with my program and some of the instructions seemed very grade school. Also, let’s see about my NEXT degree. Yup, might as well go back in for another round. Hey, why not? I hear Harvard has a good Business program or because of the rising issues with mental wellness, I may revisit what my first degree started. Don’t worry, I’ll offer a discount on your first therapy session.

  • Alcohol deliveries will continue indefinitely in some areas. — Goodness, I don’t know who all is raising the upcoming generations but, let’s try to be functional drinkers….for the kids.

  • Some of you are really good cooks, I applaud you. I've been taking extra time to make my plates photogenic.

  • I began curating Essential Packs for busy women in mid February and since then I’ve been working with nonprofits to get these packs to women involved in their organizations. Plus, I’ve been able to connect with new vendors for other essential items to include into your daily routines.

  • When I feel it’s my time to go out into the world, I may just disappear for 2 months. — Don’t send a search party and don’t tag my phone, the signal will be diverted. I promise I will be safe. I’ll mail out postcards; Wish you were here!

Lastly, I love all your emails. Thank you.


Mental Health During a Pandemic


Working from home is becoming the new normal for many of us. In a previous post, “Make it Work Anywhere” I discuss how important it is to stay productive when you are not in a traditional office setting. I cannot envision myself not working. Yet, the sentiment is slightly different because of the uncertainty around us and not knowing how soon we can get back to normal. T-shirts have become my new daily office look, but if I have a video call, I do make an attempt to be business friendly. I've not resorted to turning a pillow into an outfit, so we are all still safe.

Even though these are worrisome times, I find a bit of satisfaction thinking how the grocery store clerks are part of this under acknowledged group of HEROS. It hurts my heart when I see people mistreat customer service workers and belittle them or speak to them in condescending tones. You really have to be a descendant of evil to be so ugly towards people, especially people you don't know and are just coming to do their jobs and go home. Don't get me wrong, there are a few customer service workers who start off with bad attitudes and should probably just stay home, but different age groups from teenagers to elders are getting up to restock shelves or prepare to-go orders so WE can continue to eat and maintain our lives the best way we can.

And how are you processing your new lives? Did you create yourself a routine? Are you finding ways to connect with people from afar? Most importantly, how is your mental wellness? Even before the Stay At Home orders were made, I’m sure many of us faced certain issues with depression, anxiety, addiction, obsessive compulsiveness, etc., so it doesn’t help that we are restricted to mainly be in one place all day, everyday. I keep thinking about the short story by Edgar Allen Poe called, The Pit and the Pendulum. Although the story is much darker than what we are facing…and referencing Poe may give you a little insight on the levels that my mind can go to…it’s the idea of feeling trapped and not know what is to happen to us or what is to occur next. Our minds can really lead us to dreary places. Here is an article form CNN Health that talks about how long term isolation can affect us mentally.

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As Scooby-Doo has taught us, monsters are always humans in disguises. We can really become different people if we allow our struggles to get the best of us. I was speaking with my aunt who is a health care professional and she stated that being separated from the world can pose issues with mental wellness and exacerbate any existing conditions. This can be dangerous for yourself and for others around you.

Mental health also correlates with domestic violence. Here is a article from The New York Times that talks about how domestic violence has increased during this pandemic. People who were in abusive situations before the COVID-19 outbreak are now ‘ordered’ to stay in with their abusers. This is a scary thought and I pray for anyone who is in this predicament. I place no judgments on anyone who stays in troubled relationships; people will have reasons that may not make sense to anyone else. All of us think, behave, and react differently. Telling someone to leave an abuser is most of the time easier said than done, it reaches deeper than a physical fear; there is a dependency component that conditions the mind to excuse or accept pain. Even if it is not an abusive environment, an unhealthy relationship is also a problem. (HERE is an organization that helps women financially to leave an abusive relationship.)

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I read a comment that said: “You will begin to understand why they said to marry your best friend.” As couples are spending more time at home with one another, tensions may rise, arguments may happen because stress levels are off the charts with us now trying to figure out how to manage our responsibilities within the same four walls everyday. But, your best friend will know you; know how to speak with you, know how to comfort you, know how to help you stay calm, and know how to still make you feel great during hard times. They won't turn their back on you and let you cope alone and they won't find ways to stay away from you because they feel your stress interferes with their stress…again, marry your best friend. I cannot begin to imagine the turmoil of people out of work and/or people dealing with the virus directly. Thank you to all essential workers.

Let us not forget how the kids are being affected by all of this. They face stress, anxiety, and possible depression symptoms as well...and what if they are in abusive conditions? (Brain, don’t dwell on those thoughts.) Many schools have created meal distribution plans to provide families food; families who may not be able to afford several meals throughout all of the days for their children…How is this not heartbreaking to think about? When I can, I volunteer for organizations that help under-served families. I recall helping build a home for a single mother with three small children. I pray they are all doing well during this crisis.

With the younger generations, most of their lives are infused with some type of social activity or interaction. I spoke with a friend in Georgia and the school district in his area is remaining closed for the rest of the year (as many districts may be doing also) and the school board is automatically advancing students to the next grade. What about the seniors though? Proms and graduations are cancelled…I didn’t care much for things like that when I was in high school, I went to my prom for about an hour and was quickly over it. As extroverted as I can be, I have more peace with my introverted side.


My godson is a senior this year, his graduation was supposed to be taken place at my previous university, University of Delaware, but his mother told me all ceremonies have been cancelled. That’s rough. I am still going to find a way to go visit him and celebrate him. I’m graduating with my next degree this summer and I’ve already gotten emails from the University that there will be an online ceremony…I wasn’t planning on attending or walking anyway, so this doesn’t bother me at all. I didn’t do it for the show, I did it for the accolade, so just go ahead and mail me my papers, Thank you.

Mental health should not be taken lightly. You know the saying, “A mind is a terrible thing to waste” but it is a wonderful thing to invest in. If you are long time readers of my words, then you know how much I emphasize about taking care of yourself and paying attention to your well being. If you are facing any form of mental concerns or fighting internal demons, it’s best to find a healthy outlet, practice new or different coping regiments. Do something or call someone who helps you feel calm.


DO NOT let this pandemic turn you into someone you cannot pull yourself away from. Our minds will be boggled with many thoughts….relax. My best advice is to have a personal mantra, something that keeps your aura positive. For me, I need to stay busy for the majority of my time, whether it’s working, ironing out the specifics of my businesses, playing with a hobby, or research/reading. I have my episodes of being overly stressed, anxiety kicking in, my breathing gets tight, I’m worrying about if the email to the staff was clear and if I should have revised it eight more times, then I’m panicking over quality of my work and if I executed with my full potential. What if I was in someone else's shoes and this pandemic severely affected me? What if I was someone who has been furloughed and doesn't know how they will pay all their bills. Even with the stimulus money and unemployment checks, it still may not be enough for many people...I would break down. And what if I had a loved one on a hospital bed with COVID-19? I’m not confident my strength would hold on to me through all that.

It is really hard for me to pull myself back when I’m spiraling through my mind and I have been at a stage where I needed outside help. My mental wellness was suffering. I learned to STOP whatever I am doing, I sit down, lean against a wall, or lay down and I close my eyes for a few minutes and tell my brain to go black. I breathe slowly in and out and I keep 'talking’ to myself, “Relax, breathe, be still, relax, breathe, be still.” I keep doing this until my heart starts beating regularly again and until I begin to feel less tense.

Then, I get back to what I was doing with a clearer mind OR I stop for the rest of the day, possibly a few days, and maybe a quick getaway if I can manage it. I don't do my best if I am not at my best; I’m no good when I’m no good, ya hear what I’m saying?


I truly believe what we are currently experiencing will change the shape of how we live, work, and communicate with one another especially with our friends, families and/or partners.

Stay Safe. Stay Healthy.

There is a serious message in this video but, it was mainly created for lighthearted humor.


Social Distancing

Shirt: Target | Blazer: H&M | Sweatpants: Sorella Boutique | Shoes: Steve Madden

Shirt: Target | Blazer: H&M | Sweatpants: Sorella Boutique | Shoes: Steve Madden


03/26/2020 Update:

  1. Senate approves $2 Trillion stimulus deal to help US. See HERE with live updates available.

  2. With how the economy looks right now, would this be a good time to discuss finances with your significant other or even revisit certain money topics with your spouse? (Sharing Finances Article)...Devil's Advocate?

  3. Anyone else having odd dreams during this crisis? (What Dreams May Come Article)

How is everyone? Crazy times huh?

This COVID-19 Pandemic has exploded much more than many of us probably anticipated. States are shutting down and implementing “Shelter in Place” or “Stay at Home” regulations, parks and streets are practically empty, we can only order pick-up or delivery from our favorite restaurants, some of them are even becoming corner stores by providing the essentials like milk, water, and other needs. Bars are resorting to creating “drink kits” to make your favorite drinks at home to keep sales going, entrepreneurs are taking to social media to push sales, schools and companies are closing doors and encouraging online interaction and remote work.

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HELPFUL TIP: Keep the camera off if you are going to do personal things like using the bathroom, and mute your mic if you are having a side conversation, and lastly be presentable if your are doing a video call. I’ve been video chatting and conferencing with people to keep some form of social interaction going. Although, I never had an issue with being distant, I enjoy my solitude…maybe a little too much…but since this has become my only option, I don’t like being told, “No, you can’t go outside.” It's like I'm grounded and being punished for something I didn't do. Yet, people all over are finding ways to stay entertained while being sanctioned indoors. Legendary DJ D-Nice made headlines when he hosted a live stream house party to encourage keeping spirits up.

Who could have imagined this is where we would be right now? I’ve set up my home office, organized my playlists and finished a few books. I also try to escape every now and then just to get some fresh air. We are facing something that our generation, younger generations, and many older generations have never faced before. It’s worrisome. I have been having a hard time sleeping just thinking about everything this virus is effecting and how our lives are basically placed on pause until this dies down.

With the Government grounding us…for our own good…a few days ago, I sent all my loved ones emails about tips and thoughts to stay “normal” during Social Distancing. For those who I did not have email addresses for, I sent a short text messages letting them know they were all in my thoughts. We have no clue how long this is going to last, but it will pass, Stay Positive.

Here is a little excerpt of the email I sent:

Keep Yourself on a Schedule:

  • If you're working from home, this is really important. If you wake up, exercise, eat, etc. at a certain time, keep that same routine.

  • Keep your same work hours active.

  • DO NOT stay in your PJs all day.

  • Ladies, still maintain your beauty routines: hair, nails, facial cleansing, etc.

  • Men, same for you. I don't know what you guys do to stay appealing, but keep at it kid. 

  • The main thing is not to become too comfortable and be unmotivated to do anything. The air is still breathable, you can step outside for a bit, take a walk, ride a bike, make a store run. (Stay within your cities safety protocols.)

Keep Your Kids on a Schedule:

  • If you have small children, keeping them on a schedule will keep them mentally ready and active for whenever they return to school.

  • Some school districts are creating online learning resources which is GREAT, but parents, DON'T STRESS YOURSELF OUT trying to keep up with their lessons.

  • At best, READ to and with your children...everyday

  • Allot for time away from TV, tablets, and computers.

  • If you are home together, get them on the same eating and break schedule as you.

Another topic I added in the email was to not give in to reconnecting with people who are not good for you. You want to connect with people who mainly had/have a positive presence in your life. Don’t rekindle anything toxic. If you fell out with someone, think about who they were to you and if having them in your life makes you feel like they contribute to you being a better person. If yes, then by all means, mend that connection. Every relationship (friends, family, lovers) will have its ups and down, but what side out weighs the other and what type of communication do you want to have moving forward? A simple “How are you?” will suffice and depending on the response you receive, it will give you an idea on where their thoughts are.

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*This next bit is a little off topic, but a thought was triggered. Do you know what I miss? I miss being courted (see what I did here?), I miss getting butterflies because of someone making an effort to see me smile. I'm all for Women's Rights and independence, but I draw the line at tipping the scales or changing the tone of "boy meets girl". Before college, I entertained the idea of going into broadcast journalism. A young man who was sweet on me listened to how excited I was about this potential career and gifted me with a microphone with my name engraved onto it for my birthday. I don’t know where that young man is today, we didn’t keep in touch; we were kids then and our attention span for each other was limited, but I’ll always remember that gift and the thought he put into it. In elementary school I also remember my classmate, who was a really good sketch artist, drawing me pictures of Winnie the Pooh and all the characters in that cartoon as his way of saying he liked me. I don’t know where that young man is either. I hope both gentlemen are doing well, they had very caring hearts.

Back to real time, the government has pushed through a stimulus packet, see HERE for more information. Although, make sure to learn all the details, if you make above a certain salary, you may not get near $1000 and it’s likely that you may have to pay that amount back…In that case, you can keep my check, I’m good…. There will also be relief for companies and small businesses, but again, be sure to learn all the details because much of this relief will be in the forms of low interest loans.


Remember in the start of the year when I reflected on how 2019 was a dud? (Reference Adieu 2019). Welp, 2019 was a dud, but 2020 has really shown it’s ass so far, especially for me with some of the things I faced before COVID-19 came to town. Like damn, 2020, who hurt you?! Can I make it up to you in some way? Do you need a hug? I want off this ride. If 2020 was a person, it'd be that kid who runs around the store screaming while his momma ignores the noise and just keeps shopping; why couldn't you just come in, sit down, be quiet and not touch anything?

Prayers to all the Essential Workers, such as medical staff who are still out here facing this virus head on. Prayers to those who are losing business because of this. Prayers to those who have family who are susceptible to contracting COVID-19. Prayers to those who do have this virus. Prayers to ease our concerns sooner rather than later. We will overcome this.

To bring some light, here are some funnies:

*By the way, the main thing that I am most interested in seeing when this is all over is how everyone is going to act. How many epic parties and social gatherings do you see yourself partaking in? Send me an invite, I may show up. I have so many dresses just waiting to get out of the packaging…Online shopping didn’t fully shut down.

Below is a video message from Philadelphia's King Hype Man, Jason Kelce (NFL Eagles Center).

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