How's Your pH?

“Sometimes staying away from what you want isn’t the hard part, it’s being near what you want that can be difficult.”

Hey ladies, let’s talk. So what's your pH balance doing these days? I know I’ve discussed this before and I’m going to keep discussing it because your vaginal or Hello Kitty health is important and it needs to be a priority to you. So fellas, this may not be a topic for you, but if you stick around you might learn something useful.

If there are any young ladies here who isn't full knowledgeable about vaginal discharge, depending on the color and consistency, vaginal discharge can be healthy. And if your discharge bleaches your underwear, that's a positive thing because that indicates you have good pH balance. And that's why the recommendation is that you buy new underwear every 3-6 months. For me, I’m change mine ever 2-3 months because 1. I’m serious about my Hello Kitty and 2. I’ve not been letting anyone play with my Hello Kitty for _____ years. Let’s just say a very long time. I've not allowed anyone to come swim in my pool. It's been closed and locked. So I definitely have good vaginal health going on right now. 😆😇

Vaginal discharge can often stain/bleach your underwear because it is naturally acidic. The vagina has a 'good' bacteria called lactobacilli which keeps it healthy by maintaining optimal acidity levels and preventing bad bacteria from causing infection. When this discharge is exposed to air, it oxidises causing it to bleach your underwear. So when you notice something off with your discharge, pay attention and if you're having sex with someone, my best suggestion is to hold off until you get your pH back in order. But your grown, do what you want. I'm just saying, if there's something going on with my pH and I've been having sex with someone, then he's no properly taking care of his personal health or maybe hygiene because a man’s bad hygiene can definitely cause nasty bacteria for you.

Sex to me is very personal. I’m sharing my body with someone so I prefer to be very selective and that's the biggest reason why I don't have a long list of sexual partners. Listen, the one time I did something out of character and thought I was going to have a one night stand, it ended up being a thing for 8-9 years. 😆 That gentleman and I are still social, he's not seen my naked in a while, but I really thought the day I met him was going to be the last day I saw him. Yeah, so apparently when I tried to do something I’m not used to doing I still end up staying who I am 😂. And I think I told him that the day I met him, I made several decisions I normally wouldn't make. I don't know if he believed me, but that's my truth.

But back to having a healthy pH balance, it’s a new year ladies, if you haven't paid much attention to your Kitty's health, it’s time to start. You’ve got to keep her clean. Just like how you would clean and take care of your face, you've got to put in that same effort with her. I shared the oils I used in a previous post and I share it again below along with an oil mix for your face, but you can also use the V Mix for your face too.

There's no particular measurement, I just use the dropper and mix 2 to 3 full droppers of each oil into the bottle. I consistently use this oil mixture daily, just like how you would use lotion on other parts of your body, the Kitty needs lotion too.

In a small dropper bottle, mix the following: (Purchase Glass Dropper Bottles)

”V” Oil Mix:

  • Sesame Oil

  • Argan Oil

  • Jojoba Oil

  • Tea Tree Oil

Face/Eyes Oil Mix

  • Almond Oil

  • Rosehip Oil

  • Castor Oil

  • Tea Tree Oil

Are You Worth Changing My PH Balance For?

*Postings have been a little off schedule lately; normally live on Tuesday mornings, but I’m still getting a handle of my different schedules. Bare with me. 😬

Don’t fee like reading? Listen instead.

I made the decision late last year that I would not get intimately involved with anyone. I didn’t give myself a deadline on when I should get involved or what criteria a man should have before considering breaking my solidarity. If there is an impressive gentleman who comes my way or catches off guard, I’ll deal with my emotions and decisions then. But for now, it is a decision I made for myself for very personal reasons. Some of my friends know why and those who don’t know why always seem to ask me the following:

  • Don’t you get lonely?

  • What happens when you get into the mood?

“I'm So Pretty And He Like That” by King Manyara (Song is NSFW)

I feel like these are very simple answers. No I do not ever feel lonely, not because I have my family and friends, but because I enjoy my alone time and make the most of it even when I’m not doing much. And as far as getting into the mood….Ladies, c’mon. We know how to fix that and it doesn’t required another person. 😈

I'm not going to lie, ladies and gentlemen, there are times where I’d like to get a phone call or text message telling me to come out and enjoy the evening with him, but my phone is so dry that the only times it makes any noise is when my boss calls, one of my clients call, or when my classmates send me a message about an assignment. 😐

But I also feel that with people being casual with whomever and how many ever, I don’t need to be concerned about my health more than I have already been. And I definitely cannot allow bad energy in my life, nor can I accept for a man to take advantage of my willingness to understand and be a little laid back with some things other women may have an issue with.

I would definitely like having a male friend who I can be comfortable enough with to be in my underwear around him without him wanting to take it too far, like having the companionship with a man, but without the sex.

I’ve always thought sex as a personal and sacred connection with someone. That's not to say I’ve never had casual connections with people, I'm just not one who shares myself with many people. I know there are women who sleep with several different men within a short period of time, like a month, and I can't see myself doing that. And I don’t judge anyone who are more free with sex and people. Let your freak flag fly, but I rather have my freak flag fly in only 1 yard.

Because my shirt is a bit form fitting, someone asked, “Is that a kids shirt?” I said, “Yes, your daddy gave it to me because he calls me Baby.” 😈

P.S. - I want someone who can't keep his hands off me even when I act like I don't want him to. 😼

pH balance is referred to as an acid-base balance, it is the level of acids and bases in your blood at which your body functions best. It's important for women to maintain a healthy pH balance and ladies if you do not already know this, at different stages in our lives our pH balance changes due to other changes in our bodies. An unhealthy pH balance causes several uncomfortable things 😬 especially for your Hello Kitty and makes your girl down there feel sick 😫 🤒.

Men can affect your pH balance if they don't take care of themselves or are carrying residue and bacteria from other women. EWL. In chemistry, not all chemicals mix well. So with that in mind, I’m not so eager to share my Hello Kitty with anyone, she's more like a No No Kitty right now 😼. I’ll keep using my body washes and natural oils to keep my 🐱 healthy. And I cannot be sure if anyone else does the same, so I'm definitely not going to let some random man fck up my pH balance. — I sleep with him, then a few days later I’m feeling a little different. Uh, no Sir!

Bless their hearts, but men can be so disgusting with their hygiene routines. As beautiful of creatures they can be because there are some gorgeous men, Sorry HANSOME men, one of friends told me to stop calling men gorgeous. Not all soap is good soap and many of them don't have a skin care routine, they just use a wet rag on their face and go. So depending on how he keeps his man parts clean, my lady parts may or may not have a good reaction to him. But it’s not only how he cleans his body, it’s also what he puts into his body that can affect your inner chemicals further effecting mine. Be safe out there everyone.