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Shuler King Message

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Shuler King Message Raya L.

One of my friends sent me this YouTube link. It features Shuler King (comedian) discussing his views on older men dating young women. His response was prompted by another man making the claim that he rather date younger women because they “go with the flow” and are “moldable”.

I figure I’d share this with you since it has been a recent topic here on the site. And to add a little more on my point of view on this: Men above….say 35 or even 40 who date women under 30 either do not like to be challenged or do not want to be challenged so they choose to go younger. The whole pill thing that’s mentioned in the video isn’t really anyone’s business but that man’s and his doctor’s suggestions. Some older men still have a good libido. — Hey, I’m trying to give you men some credit here because this video is criticizing you for some of your personal choices. But hey, in the words of Shuler King, “You like what you like.” (I can choose not to deal with you and I can choose how close I am to you.)

Also, if you surround yourself with young people or even surround yourself with like-minds, you’re going to attract those same like-minds. One of my good guy friends who is my age is always getting involved with 20-something women, although he himself has a 20-something way of thinking. I would call him out for it, but he won’t get it. Granted, I don't hang out with him or communicate with him often. Some men are just set and there's not much you can say to them without them getting offended and defensive.

And it’s not about dating younger, it’s more so about dating someone who still needs to establish some things in life and in your 20’s there is a good chance you’ve not done so yet….like having insurance which was mentioned in the video.

If you like the attention, that’s fine, but you don’t have to take it any further and make “friendships” that becomes questionable to your character. Another friend (male) used the phrase, “the weird old guy hanging around college aged girls”…again, I’m just the messenger. If you are this man, your life doesn't have to be mixed with mine, hey do what you like. Good luck out there, Fam.