Love Raya

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Puff Did WHAT?!

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Update: More Lawsuits

Update: They settled after one day of media exposure. I have a bit of mixed feelings about this, but hey, not my mess to clean up. I'm going to move on a get back to discussing other topics that we more relate with. Although, that issue just sheds light how relationship dynamics can be great or damaging and we’ll never know unless someone speaks on it. And if a previous lover has something unloving to say about me, hey let them speak and show people the type of character they have in comparison to me when I don’t say a word. Granted, I don’t have any damaging experiences like Cassie’s allegations, I carry my own pain with the men I loved.

Your Comments About The Settlement:

  • Puff paid that money quick! He knew Cassie had the receipts!

  • People are saying Cassie just wanted the money, but they're losing focus that if Diddy didn't do anything she was saying, he would have just let the courts prove it.

  • That man is dirty. He takes advantage of his artists and the women he's with.

  • If Cassie didn't have a case it would have never became a lawsuit and Diddy wouldn't have paid so fast.

  • She'll be living comfortably in her silence and now he has to refigure himself out.

  • Whatever he did, Cassie had enough proof that he paid that bill immediately!

You guys really loaded my inbox with this news! 😳

I’m Switzerland because:

  1. This news just happened and we've not been given much details of the specifics of the allegations.

  2. I did not pay that close of attention to Puff and Cassie’s relationship OR his relationships with any other woman.

  3. Whichever way it goes, I’m not that invested into celebrity people's lives like that to judge or justify why they decide to do what they do. I can have an opinion, but that's all it is.

Again, I cannot say what is true and what isn’t. The only thing I truly believe is that Puff seems to be the type of man who is going to do what he wants no matter how it looks or who doesn’t agree to it…and that might be the problem. — We have to be humble enough to stop and listen when others voice genuine concerns or when we are doing things that do not highlight the better parts of our character and sensible decision making.

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Puff Did What?! Raya L.

Below are some of your opinions. DISCLAIMER: These comments do not solely reflect or represent what I believe.

  • Anonymous Reader 1: Him and Cassie are 17 years apart. They started dating when she was 21 and he was 38. He knew better and she was too young to be in a relationship with a high power man like Diddy. Women mature early but not that early. She was just starting on the scene and he gripped her up.

  • Anonymous Reader 2: I always wonder when women acuse men of this stuff, can men counter sue for all the money they made from being with the man? Ain't saying Diddy is right, but Cassie was put on by him.

  • Anonymous Reader 3: Girl! I've been saying Puff has a history. He just had a baby with a girl in her 20s and before his girl twins were born, he had another baby a few months before them. He is messy. Cassie lucky she got away from him.

  • Anonymous Reader 4: The girl Audrey from his old group says she's been trying to tell people about him for years.

  • Anonymous Reader 5: There's a clip of Young Joc saying he was at a party with them and Diddy told her to shave the side of her head because he saw another woman have that hair style. Joc said at that time Cassie was willing to do whatever Diddy told her to do. That’s why these men get with these girls because they follow blindly and don't ask no questions. This whole situation is sad.

  • Anonymous Reader 6: I remember you said that song he did with City Girls was a sign he is too far gone. Damn shame, he need to get better and think better.