Love Raya

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We Are Mosaics

“I'm feeling relaxed, blessed, and sexy. This is life.”

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We Are Mosaics Raya L.

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The Men of My Mosaic Raya L.

People are like mosaics, made up of countless pieces that come together to create our unique individual selves. One of the most significant influences on our individual mosaic is the people we spend time with or meet in passing. Our likes and dislikes are often shaped by the people we surround ourselves with, consciously or unconsciously. We might adopt the tastes of our closest friends or family members, whether it's music, food, or hobbies. On the other hand, we might actively reject certain things based on the experiences of those around us. However, even with all these shared pieces, we each have our unique mosaic, a one-of-a-kind collection of likes and dislikes that makes us who we are.

If you think about it, you’ve probably interacted with thousands of people in your life and the ones you remember are the ones that left some sort of impression on you. And sometimes those impressions teach us a thing or two.

Here are some things that make up my mosaic:

  • I do not leave the house unless I am presentable because my father once told me that first impressions make a big difference and you never know who you will meet when you leave your house.

  • The way I eat sushi was taught to me by one of my ex’s friend. He showed me certain techniques that I still do today.

  • I did not know I liked Indian food until I had a work lunch and my boss at that time ordered for me. Ever since then I make sure to order some of the same dishes.

  • When I do carry cash I put the lower amount bills on the outside because when I was an teenager withdrawing money from the teller an older man told me that’s how you should organize your money so people do not see how much money you really have.

  • One of my previous lovers told me that it is not attractive for a woman to throw herself on men or chase them, and that stuck with me.

  • There are certain songs that instantly make me smile because it reminds me of someone I care about or of someone I either loved or admired.

  • Titos and lemonade became my go-to cocktail because I was at a bar once and I did not know what I wanted to order but I wanted something light and refreshing. My friend suggested that drink and it’s been my choice ever since.

  • I stopped saying that I don’t require much or that I’m low maintenance because a friend told me it gives people the chance to treat less than I deserve.

People imprint themselves onto us and we hold on to the prints that make is feel good. The beautiful thing is that our mosaics are constantly being added to. And I can only hope I added some good things to those I've come across.