Love Raya

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A Two Household Marriage

So I knew I was not the only one, I also knew I was not crazy for thinking what I think...

There ARE marriages where the Husband and Wife live in two separate homes!

I stumbled upon 2 separate stories of  2 women whom have been married for more than 5 years and they live separate from their husbands...AND IT WORKS! One couple only lives down the street from each other, while another lives in two separate cities.  And I am most certain there are more marriages similar to this.

Although, what really touched my soul about both stories is that the WOMEN requested this arrangement because they wanted to continue to have their space! AND the Husbands cover the expenses for both homes!

Okay, okay...let me get myself together.

And let's be clear, What is ideal for one marriage may not be ideal for another.  

The only reason this type of marriage is a thought for me is not because I cannot live with someone else but, because of the woman I have become and the type of lifestyle I like...having my time, my space, my "freedom" to still be an individual. But before you start screaming at me saying, "Then don't get married!" Hear me out....

1. It will still be a functional marriage with love, support, compassion, and understanding.  I won't love my husband less, I will still support him equally, my compassion is for my marriage, and the understanding is between my husband and I. 

2. My husband doesn't need to pay for the second home or cover the expenses, I can do that. Or it can come out of our mutual bank account.

3. We will have keys to both houses, this type of arrangement does not allow me to shut my husband out or vice versa.  He can come to my house whenever he wants to because it is his house too. 

4. If my spouse is not okay with this arrangement, then I am perfectly fine with sharing a home together because number 1 still stands. In no way do I feel this is the ONLY way a marriage will work.  No, I just agree that sometimes traditional marriages are not best for everyone.

I'm sure many women and some men are thinking, "How can you trust your spouse won't cheat?"

Well my answer would be, "Do you know who you married?"

Granted, you may never fully know the thoughts of another person, but if you are going to say "Yes" or "I Do" then you are accepting everything you already know about this person.  The good and the possibly bad.  No matter who or how your husband is, there will always be women who want him and it is the same the other way around.  Know who you married.

 All I ask of my partner is to be good to my health and my heart.  However he translates that or acts on that is on him.  As my husband, I expect a man to handle me as his wife, a woman who he placed on a high pedestal and who he promised to love, cherish, and protect.

I'm sure people will still consider me crazy for this way of thinking.  Like I said, this is not ideal for all marriages but, let's not rule it out as an option.