Love Raya

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I have made many questionable choices in my life that could have went wrong, have went wrong, or worked out for the best.   I made a choice to change my life by packing up and driving 24 hours to rebuild.  I made a choice to change career paths and I've not looked back since.  I've also made dangerous choices like allowing 3 unknown men in my car and driving them to a particular location. (Please don't tell my Daddy.)  I've even hung out all night with a man I met randomly at a bar whom was from out of town and kept offering me drinks. (Please don't tell my daughter.)   Some of my choices could have put me in very compromising situations but luckily, nothing detrimental has occurred and I seem to have good judgment in most humans 😅.  Each decision I made for myself has molded me into who I am today.  

Now, I'm not saying to go ahead and just take all the wrong routes and hopefully you will find your way out, no.   I'm saying be mindful of your surrounds and know what options you have before limiting those options.  There is a lesson in everything if you are really paying attention.  Be fully aware of the experience you had and extract every positive out of it.  Then assess the negative and break it down to its simplest form, so you are able to better understand why it was a negative and how you can make it into a positive next time.  If you do not learned anything from the result of your choices then you will continue going in circles trying to find a way out with the same direction.

Raya Laephuang

Writer | Photographer | Intrigued with Human Behavior

“I read the world around me.”