Love Raya

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Letting Go

Many of us have experienced or are still experiencing the redundancy of going back and forth with the same person.  Whether it is the fear of starting over and not finding someone who will know us the way this person does or whether we feel there is possibility of it working out if only he/she would work less, listen more, call more, spend time more....blah, blah, blah.....whatever the reason, you will not know the possibilities of this relationship if you do not let go.  You two may come back together and be the perfect match after taking time apart and growing individually.  OR, if you do not learn to let go, you may be keeping yourself from someone who is waiting for you and is exactly the type of person you want as your partner.  

If my ex and I had this conversation many years ago, we would have save each other from so much unnecessary stress and disappointment, but that is past 'woulda coulda shouldas' and I will make sure there will not be any future ones! (I do not have the patience nor the energy to go back and forth with someone who I have concluded to not be the type of person I can imagine spending the rest of my days with.  There are far too many souls who may connect better with mine.)

Just think about it, there are people who are married for 20-30 years and decide to get divorced because they came to the realization that they are no longer a cohesive couple.  There is nothing wrong with starting over and there is absolutely noting wrong expressing to this person that you cannot be a better you if this relationship keeps running into the same issues.  It's time to let it go.